Latest prototype Activity
Hello everyone, Massive Paradox is here
Not long ago we presented our new project - Greedshot. In short, it is a first-person shooter with procedural level generation, which can be played both in solo and in co-op.
Development is progressing quite well, so we as a team made a bold decision to releas…
TMan012 said:
should I email you
Please don't. More people will see the conversation if you post here on gamedev.
TMan012 said:
By the way, thank you for the valuable website, I just discovered it and resources like yours are my main way of knowledge.
Cool, good to hear!

Keeping up with the newfound tradition, I’ve split the devlog into two parts. One is a 23 min. long video talking about design and what made it and what didn’t in this update. The other one, written here, is more or less dev-talk about things that weren’t mentioned in the video; more catered to dev…

It still takes a lot of time. Prototype or not. And compared to the last updates, this one is way more moderate.
Last time we've left of with the addition of immediate things to do, which begged the question of what to do next. Exploration was a big part of the concept, springing from its replay-abi…

Coming up late with the updates on this website, and only now managed to get a moment or two to post. So here we go.
Few months ago, well more than a few, had this idea of a game somewhat reflective of a lot of things centering around being a broke/broken dev. And as things turned out the way they d…
A prototype is like a sketch of a project.
looking for a friend that clicks with my ideas and style to do chill prototype games for fun and maybe a full game?!
i mostly do art and a little visual programing! 'still learning'
software i use: Unity, Unity adventure creator, pixel game maker, rpg maker. Photoshop, blender, 3dsmax, fl studio, cak…
True, a cube is a box, so it has a simple box collider, while a real asset may be more complex and require mesh collision. This is quite more complex and costly so your game might run slower than expected. Animations could not play well with your animation system and shaders may impact the game als…

In the case the link is missing for the video:
In the spirit of continuation (from last entry)In this stage of development, I wanted to prototype how the player would be able to move around in the game: Only using basic movements and actions that are available for all p…