Latest Evolution Activity
Sweet! How about some hunting. Can you make spears, bows and arrows, clubs? You know, that caveman stuff.
LorenzoGatti said:
All three suggested systems, and many others, make sense, but only Pokémon-style irreversible progress should be called an “evolution”
Not necessarily. Even Pokemon introduces Mega Evolutions, which only last for the duration of a fight. Sure, its only a subset of evolutions in tho…
You need to determine what you want, genome recombination (accurate or not doesn't matter) or a way two recombine 2 dimensional arrays? Are they fixed to 2 fields each or do you consider to have N fields in the second array? This makes a huge difference and you should learn to ask for what you want…
Hi, I'm a musician looking to gain experience composing for games. I'd be interested to know what style of music you are looking for. I'm passionate about evolutionary biology, so to be involved in Thrive would be an exciting experience!