Hey everyone, first I will introduce our project and then what sorts of developers we are looking for.
Thrive is a free, open-source game about the evolution of life. Our volunteer team seeks to accomplish two major goals: create engaging, compelling gameplay that respects our players’ intelligence, and remain as accurate as possible in our depiction of known scientific theory without compromising the former.
Our current team covers many aspects of development, but we are looking to bring in new developers to help implement some cool and new features we are working on. Currently we are working on the first stage of the game which is focused on microbes and the origin of life. We hope to do for xenobiology what Kerbal Space program did for rocket science, to take a complicated scientific subject and make a fun sandbox out of it. The game is built in the open-source engine Godot with the C# programming language. We also have a game launcher that uses HTML/CSS/JS. Some of the roles we are looking for include:
- Programmers. To help implement some of our upcoming features like Planet Generation.
- Graphics Programmers. To help us in updating the visuals, such as with underwater effects.
- UI Designers. To update the interface of our recently implemented ecosystem map.
- Sound Designers. To design some new underwater ambience we are working on.
- Composers. To compose some new soundtracks for the gameplay.
- And many other types of developers as well!
You can gain a lot from working on Thrive. It’s a large, established, project with talented people to learn from. It also looks great on a CV and can really strengthen programming or game related job applications. As we are a volunteer team we know real life comes first so people are welcome to contribute as much or as little as they would like and to leave the project if they wish. And finally, it will be a chance to help develop a fun game about xenobiology and evolution that, as far as we know, has never been executed to this level of realism before.
The game is playable now and we are making good progress. If you are interested you can check out the trailer to our latest version, or even download and play it, from the link below:
If you’d like to apply for the team follow the “Get Involved” link on the website above, post a comment here, or send me a message. Cheers!