NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, a universal platform for making real-time 3D, 2D projects and window apps. The platform is intended to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, simulators, visual trainers, VR systems and to develop window apps with rich graphics.
NeoAxis 2021.3 includes the improvements for working with online content stores, Sketchfab support, the improvements for product creation pipeline, the tools for creation of big amount of simple objects, better Android support and changes in licensing.
About the licensing
The new release is distributed with an updated licensing scheme, the source code of the engine is again freely provided, it can be downloaded from GitHub.
Read more about the licensing.
Better online stores support
In the NeoAxis 2021.3 the Packages manager was transformed to a Stores window. The window is intended to work with online content, to download content from stores. The window is a deeply integrated part of the editor, for example, you can drop 3D models into the scene using Drag & Drop, the models will be downloaded automatically.

There are many functions for searching in the store, for example, you can specify the interval of the number of triangles, the license for the item.

Any type of item is supported, for example, there is a library of materials and a set of engine extensions.

Stores API and Sketchfab support
The Stores window supports the ability to connect to any stores. Currently, NeoAxis Store and Sketchfab are supported. It is easy to make an addon to support more stores. The work with stores is unified, for example, you can search all at once at the same time.

Better building and Android support
The product creation pipeline and Android support have been improved. It is now easier to compile a project for a specific platform and debug.

Surfaces update
Surfaces and brush tool for creation of big amount of simple objects have been improved.

NeoAxis Education
NeoAxis Education was merged to the main package, you can see a tab 'My.learning' at start.

More screenshots

Goo alternative for teams that don't have programmers yet.