NeoAxis Game Engine 2020.7 Released

Published October 21, 2020

NeoAxis company releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine, an integrated development environment with built-in 3D/2D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D and 2D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed applications.

NeoAxis 2020.7 includes bigger set of components and screen effects. The editor now displays thumbnails of resources, got improvements when working with windows.

Resource images preview

The resource window now displays thumbnails of resources.

Improved work with auto-hidden windows

The editor got improvements when working with windows. Now auto-hidden windows work better, when you restart the editor, their settings are saved.

Content library materials

A library of realistic materials for free download has been added to Asset Store. The materials are completely free, based on textures from Texture Haven.

This add-on is the beginning of creating a general content library for NeoAxis. The next steps are adding photorealistic environments, general set of 3D models.

Text 2D component

Text 2D component has been improved. Back rectangle was added, now easier to manage the object in the editor.

Measuring tool

The component to measure and visualize length.

Cut volume

The component to clip geometry by volume in real-time.

Liquid volume

The component to manage liquid volumes.

Pixelate screen effect


Edge detection

Chromatic aberration

Screen space reflection

The effect now has more parameters, works two times faster.


Full changelog:

  • Resource images preview.
  • Liquid Volume component.
  • Cut Volume component. The component to clip geometry by volume in real-time.
  • Screen Space Reflection effect has been improved and optimized.
  • Text 2D component has been improved. Back rectangle, easier to manage in the editor.
  • Posterize screen effect.
  • Pixelate screen effect.
  • Chromatic aberration screen effect.
  • Edge detection screen effect. By depth, by normals.
  • Measuring tool component.
  • Working with auto hided windows has been improved.
  • Show render target screen effect: the ability to visualize shadow maps.

See also

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Would I have to use .NET with this or is there any way to link it with straight C++ code?

October 29, 2020 02:11 PM

he looks very cool

February 18, 2022 03:38 PM
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