quote:Original post by JohnBSmall Please don''t think that we''re atacking you. Everyone makes mistakes (if I had a penny for every mistake I''ve made, then I''d be rich), it''s just that this particular mistake was hilarious.
I was thinking about OpenGl game programming - my concern was that it wouldn''t spend any time on 2d game programming. Which, is what I''m interested in. Everyone now seems to focus on the awesome 3D...! heh... Anyway, thank you. I will check it out.
-StaticEdge The Immersion Project http://staticedge0.tripod.com
Please be advised that there are a numerous of samples (VC++) which use 3D to display 2D graphics without using the orhto mode. You might want to check that out. They are in the tutorial section here @ nehe's (http://nehe.gamedev.net/)