
Applying textures to a geometric form?

Started by March 01, 2000 09:50 PM
4 comments, last by Somilth 24 years, 10 months ago
Hi, Let's say I have an isometric tile and I want to apply a square texture to it using paint shop pro, can i do this, how? Example, i want to map the texture following the ABCD position Tile : _______A ______oooo ____oooooooo D_oooooooooooo B ____oooooooo ______oooo _______C Texture : A____B oooooo oooooo oooooo oooooo D____C Thank you Somilth (And if it can be done with another program please tell me too!) Edited by - somilth on 3/1/00 9:51:59 PM
As isometric view doesn''t include any perspective projection you should be able to just rotate the image 45 degrees and then scale the height to fit in the diamond tile. I''m not sure how to do this in PSP, as I don''t have it, but I know it can be done easily with Photoshop.
Ok I understand that but i guess my example was too simple, let's say I want to map a square texture on any 4 corner form.. some programs that do this must exist no?


Edited by - somilth on 3/2/00 1:18:26 PM
Again I would have to turn to Photoshop. I know how to do it there, it is in fact very simple to do. You can transform a rectangle by dragging its vertices to their new positions.

I don''t have any other programs so I cannot say anything about them.

Some thing like 4dpaint/painter 3d can be used. but i know 4dpaint sucks
PaintShopPro allows you to very easily rotate it around so it become''s isometric then just apply it to the tile

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