
a "quake like console" tutorial! ... any one interested?

Started by March 14, 2002 10:58 PM
51 comments, last by daher 22 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, go for it man...even though I have a pretty good idea of how to write one, I am going to be integrating my engine''s data handling code into the graphics engine in a few weeks and I''m going to need a pretty console, and I''d definitely give it a read.
I''ve been searching this site many times for such a tutorial...
Id like to see it,
I need help building my own gui.
look forward to it
I never seen a tutorial which didn''t help someone !!!
I hate signatures !!!
I''ve Finished the tutorial!
But still have a problem.

No messages being delevered to the thread WinProc() that is WM_CHAR , I am sure that i am using the same code in my engine and it works fine!
Am i messing something? ideas? can i email the code to any one to check it for me? i have to study

If you see this over someone''s head, then its me!
The Railgun Master
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did you use:

    case WM_CHAR:{      charcode = (unsigned char)wParam;}    

this is what I have and it works fine but I have other probs with my console.

[edited by - element2001 on March 22, 2002 5:48:52 AM]
WOW gosh I found it!

I don''t know why NeHe removed the line:
from the WinMain() func ( you may check the tut25 )
mabe he''s got a reason, but seems i don''t understand it

every thing is ready now and the console tutorial will be mailed to NeHe after finalizing and spelling checking

thanx for your help and support ...

If you see this over someone''s head, then its me!
The Railgun Master
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Don''t you think you''d be losing your time writing such a stuff? A quake like console is so easy to code, even for a newbie.

Shouldn''t you think of making something more complex ?

such as a full GL GUI with controls and windows
(you can find me on IRC : #opengl on undernet)
I did that.., it''s on my site

Original post by SKSlayer
Don't you think you'd be losing your time writing such a stuff? A quake like console is so easy to code, even for a newbie.

Shouldn't you think of making something more complex ?

such as a full GL GUI with controls and windows

Nice idea you mean GUI engine, right? Lets see if i can do that for my engine first , and I'll be busy working on some new "Quake III Arena mod" 8-O. So iam not sure if i can do it.


the news is that the tutorial has been sent to NeHe. he has to check it first so i am waiting now too...

If you see this over someone's head, then its me!
The Railgun Master

[edited by - daher on March 26, 2002 11:13:54 AM]
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