Original post by Anonymous Poster
daher ... please you f*cking lamer. do not take credit for code that you did not write, your console is EXACTLY like the one in the titan engine... STUPID FUCK. NOT YOURS, AND I HIGHLY DOUBT YOU MADE A TUTORIAL, IF YOU DID IT MUST BE A CUT & PASTE NEWBIE TUTORIAL. NO ONE CARES ABOUT A QUAKE LIKE CONSOLE, EASY SHIT.
obviously its not easy for you, using other peoples code and taking credit for it. fuck off. queer.
Note Mr Anonymous'' skillful manipulation of the english language, the use of capslock designed to cover what is an almost perplexing derangement of assorted simple one-clause breaks. His use of "please", immediately followed by "you f*cking lamer" enthralls the reader, leading to the climactic outburst of evident rage portrayed by the upper-case writing.
(lol.. sorry.... Gabe''s "stupid idiotz" feature from pennyarcade seems to have left some sort of wierd alien residue on me *wipes shirt* hehe)
Now for my reply to this post.
1) If daher has successfully taken the console (completely working) from the Titan engine (which in the titan engine was purely cosmetic and did NOTHING so far as I''ve experienced in the 10 minutes or so I tested the engine), then the tutorial is STILL definitely worth reviewing, as their console was pretty impressive.
2) I doubt highly that daher ripped the console, but I wont make a final judgement seeing as I dont know either of you.
3) Where''s the damned tutorial already? (I''d like to see it, regardless)
4) Capslock and vulgarity do not put across any kind of point. It just made you look stupid... in the future you might try just mocking the person... like I have to you. Seems to come across very well im my opinion, and leaves you looking the fool. (Deliberately avoiding use of any vulgarity in the description of him).
5)This post wasn''t an attempt to make me sound smart. I could do much better. *grin... note the irony in that hehe*
6) *points to 3*
Ahh well, whatever the case, I''d like to see what daher came up with. Hopefully it will be available (either by personal request to daher.. or on Nehe''s site) soon.
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"