
a "quake like console" tutorial! ... any one interested?

Started by March 14, 2002 10:58 PM
51 comments, last by daher 22 years, 10 months ago
Yes, that is true, however, the psuedocode may remain the same. You can figure out what command means what between the two.
So, you COULD use it if you get stuck. Just a suggestion.

Original post by Anonymous Poster
daher ... please you f*cking lamer. do not take credit for code that you did not write, your console is EXACTLY like the one in the titan engine... STUPID FUCK. NOT YOURS, AND I HIGHLY DOUBT YOU MADE A TUTORIAL, IF YOU DID IT MUST BE A CUT & PASTE NEWBIE TUTORIAL. NO ONE CARES ABOUT A QUAKE LIKE CONSOLE, EASY SHIT.

obviously its not easy for you, using other peoples code and taking credit for it. fuck off. queer.

If a console looks exactly like any other console that doesn't mean it's ripped from the later's code. IMO all consoles has to look the same so that it's easier for ppl to use'em.
If a QUAKE LIKE CONSOLE is an EASY THIT then why can't i code one?
If you don't care about this tutorial then please ignour this post. as its headline reads "any one intrested? " this means it's not for you.

If you see this over someone's head, then its me!
The Railgun Master

[edited by - daher on April 23, 2002 3:57:25 AM]
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I could find use from a console tutorial. Seeing what method people find quickest/most efficient means to set up a window and parse input, and see how people feel best to process the input...

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