
What are U working On?

Started by February 10, 2002 10:25 PM
70 comments, last by Keef 23 years ago
I''m working on a tecmo bowl style football game that runs on Windows using DirectX
At the moment I''m working on a true 3D asteroids clone where you zoom around in 3D dodging asteroids and blasting them into non-existant little pieces The game will use the Infinite.Scream 3D engine, and the knowledge I''ve obtained in making this project will go into the Infinite.Scream R2 engine

I decided to go for asteroids because I wanted to rewrite a retro game in 3D (Retro games are the easiest), but also a game that would be fun. I know several people have written decent asteroids clones - but this will be -my- asteroids clone

Information on my progress and other projects can be found on my website!

-------- E y e .Scream Software --------
                                  /-\ | * |
On a Space Combat game. 2 Plaers fight agianst each other, but they can control theire ships only per Script, made by an Editor. Currently i''m working on the 3D Engine, hopefully it will be workable soon.
Original post by Moe
Its big, its bad, its ...4 Elements 3!

You have no''s the big three, baby:
Ian "TheSenshi" Overgard
Scott "SHilbert" Hilbert
...and me.

And don''t you forget it

We''ll see what comes of all this...

//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links

[if you have a link proposal, email me.]


I messing around with a 3D shooter. I''ve got level loading, Octrees and a wicked console working I''m intending to work on collision detection next. But I haven''t done anything to it for weeks and its at risk of being left to rot on my computer.

"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I''m not sure about the former. "
- Albert Einstein
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
I''m working on Port Royale (engine coding)

a preview

Working on a new imperative programming language for university, one of its main features is that it doesn''t have delete style object destruction but also doesn''t need to be garbage collected. It also has member initilizers instead of class constructors so that member initilition can be inherited or overloaded, which ever is needed.

It has many other features as well but these are just a few. The language syntax is mostly C++ crossed with pascal (because I felt like it but has some elements of smalltalk and gUd. It''s is a direct decendent of C++ but only because it has similar basic syntax/control structures.

It''s advanced features (like generics/specialization, exceptions, conditions etc.) are different, they incorperate many ideas that have been around for a long time in different languages into the one language while maintaing a clean language design IMO.

It is a OOP langauge, but also allows the implemetaion of other programming styles (eg. AOP) through langangauge extension features.

Infact all of the language can be rewritten to a completely different langauge if some one really wanted. Because basically the langauge is bootstrapped onto a simple compile time executing language that then translates the code to machine code/target langugage.

It''s about 55% complete and is due for submission at the end of the year. Progress is being hamppred a little at the moment though because of work commitments.
Short term: Engine
Long term: Game

Both have been in full production for quite some time, and both have their designs as close to finshed as you can get.

Both will probally end up being free and open-source.
"All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors." -Anon.
Original post by nitzan
I am wokring on a 3d version of Scorched Earth.


This looks pretty damn excellent.

I''m gonna have to check out any demos there may be around!


All the best problems start with C

.:: K o s m o s E n g i n e ::.
Original post by nitzan
I am wokring on a 3d version of Scorched Earth.


This looks pretty damn excellent.

I''m gonna have to check out any demos there may be around!


All the best problems start with C

.:: K o s m o s E n g i n e ::.

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