
What are U working On?

Started by February 10, 2002 10:25 PM
70 comments, last by Keef 23 years ago
I am wokring on a 3d version of Scorched Earth.

I'm trying to finish up my Barrel Patrol game (

Also, I've puttered around a little with a procedural modeling system and I've got ideas floating around in my head for a CRPG toolkit/engine/game...

Edited by - miles vignol on February 15, 2002 10:46:38 PM

Edited by - miles vignol on February 15, 2002 10:47:35 PM
Its big, its bad, its ...4 Elements 3!

Moe''s Site
I am working on learning openGL, i started out with direct x and with all the trials and tribulations with that i have picked up openGL alot easier and not to mention NeHe''s great tutorials. As for what i am working towards is learning how to create a 3d engine, i am not expecting to much from my first creation, i plan on coding until i can not code any more, when i reach that point i will recode the whole thing, making things better each time. Eventually i hope to just have a better understanding of 3d graphics and game programming, so wish me luck, later-

what we do in life... echoes in eternity...
I''m doing research in behaviour prediction for my dissertation.
Reading papers. Writing papers. Some programming. No game development.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Hey vincoof, you might be interested in this game. Its from Korea and still in the beta testing stage but it''s pretty much a massive multiplayer online quasi-rpg. It has 3D terrain but uses 2D textures for enemies and players (even allows a semi free-floating camera to pan around yourself as well as zooming and adjust the side view angle. Oh yeah, it''s called Ragnarok Online.

A Game Like Ground Control, but with hopefully better graphics
A really big project...
Absolutely NOTHING,
otherwise I''d be trying to learn how to actually do something. I''m surprised how long I''ve hung around in these forums trying to help without know anything much myself.
a program to display quantum mechanics, like electrons moving around a nucleous and where it is mostlikly to be at, and tracking the electrons velocity. Basically a quantum mechanics teaching materal, lol.
>> I''m working on an OpenGL version of the old Sinclair Spectrum game ''Deathcase''. <<

i remember this game,
personally im working on a quick project ''kill em all'' a shoot-em-up hopefully finished around the end of this month (feb) doesnt help though juggling a 40hr job at the same time

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