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Why don't "Warez" sites get shut down? <more text>

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66 comments, last by DrJohnB 24 years, 4 months ago
For the people that really want to try before they buy, why not go to a software store that has a 30-day return policy for anything. There are plenty of them and more and more stores are going to this method to compete. If you like it, you keep it, if not, just return it! Easy enough and its legal.

Still Learning...
Still Learning...
hey geo the only(i think) reason that american products cost more in europe(or any other part of the world, exect i think canada and mexico{free-trade,no import taxes, agreement i believe}) is becuse export/import taxes. when u buy an american product in an overseas market ur not only paying for the worker, materials, and time, but that AND export/import taxes, paying for shipping and marketing in that country. so dont be so angry that american products are costly in europe. just compare how much an european car cost compared to a US car IN the US, ull c the difference
warez sites are not that easy to shut down, some of the servers are overseas and are not of US authority. its kind of like the porn sites, theres no way of keeping people out OR those sites down. i agree with some of what people here say that companies dont supply demos to overhipped crappy products. when u buy crappy software ur loosing hard earned cash, also with the over requirements of some of those software(games). I dont think that the game companies understand that new hardware comes out almost every year or twice a year. in their little race to cach up to those improvements their making people upgrade and upgrade, lose more money.(hey, a pc is not cheap) its kind of like buying a $2000 tv and a $300console system once and keep buying newer console systems every year. thats a lot of money.

piracy is wrong in any form.

please game companies/programmers, think about the little people(systems) when ur making games, come up with reasonable minimun equirements pleaseeeee
or it seams like the only people that will enjoy games in the future are the ones that are rich(depriving urself of a very large market)
frizb: dunno where you live, but its impossible to return any opened software legally where I live.

The liscence agreements that agree to (without even knowing what they are) when you open the shrink wrap disallow''s software returns.

No one accepts open software returns.

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.

I'm in the states (Ohio). Microcenter is a computer superstore that is all across the country here. They accept all software returned within 30 days as long as it has all the manuals, box, etc. It is really great. I'm sure some people take advantage of it and copy stuff and return it but I end up buying more stuff that I normally wouldn't have tried out. If I don't like it I can return it. If I do like it I end up keeping it. If more companies printed manuals and quit using the online help as their only help source, I think this would be more feasible to more stores. I prefer (like a lot of people ) to hold what I'm reading, sort of like reading the newspaper. If the only help source is a printed manual and you've burned a copy of the disk but had to return the game w/manual you are out of luck! I realize this isn't a big deal with most games, but try using some safisticated software without having a manual or having to use the online manual only. Its a pain. Its worth the money in most cases to me. Anyways, I realize everyone probably doesn't have access to a store with such liberal return policies. Just letting people that might have access but didn't realize it, know that the option is there. I guess Microcenter is smart enough to realize they can get more people to enter their store this way and buy software (may keep it/may not)rather than risking buying it somewhere else. Plus while you are there you may end up buying something else! Which in my case happens way too often I'm a new hardware junkie.

Still Learning...

Edited by - frizb on 2/14/00 5:08:59 AM
Still Learning...
oh wow, really?

thats kind of unheard of here in New York... but then again, the only places you can buy software here are:

CompUSA (Wide selection, but rip you off at every oportunity)
Media Play (Small selection of games, and rip you off at every oportunity)
Circuit City (even smaller selection of games, medium selection of generic crappy apps, and rip you off at every opportunity)

Thats it. No competition for CompUSA since they bought out/drove out all the local computer shops.

damn big corporate assholes.

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
Just wanted to say Mithrandir (and I'm not having a go at you personally, I just find piracy a sore point), that I bought Half-Life without trialing (or pirating) it because:

(1) Everyone raved about just before it came out / I was impressed by the features they said it had.

(2) It was a Quake2-Engine game which means you could pretty much assume you weren't going to be screwed by the User Interface, poor physics, or other factor which might ruin a normally good game.

Also, there was a demo for Half-Life, but I accept your point that other companies that don't release demos "deny you the right to try their game" and therefore shouldn't be surprised if that affects its sales.


Edited by - paulcoz on 2/17/00 2:49:18 AM
I think it is because the files is on free websites
and the police can''t delete files on otheres servers
if they don''t have permmission to delete it.
And i think it take about 2 weeks to get a permmission to delete it.
That is why the files only work a few days.

James Bond
James Bond

1) I don''t trust popular opinion and marketing, after all, they like Ricky Martin, the Spice Girls, and Quake.

2) It uses the Quake 1 engine

3) The Demo for half-life was only released a whole year after the game is out, unless you count the OEM version, which only came bundled in expensive hardware packages.

when i bought the game, there was no demo.

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
i apoligize for this detour from the subject.. if you don''t like, don''t read it.. it''s not so hard to scroll a little bit..

straying from the subject again.. music is my other passion (besides programming) and i must agree with Mith. there are so few good American bands out there. Op Ivy and the punk scene is dying out (here in DC at least), and if you think anything original is going on in the indie scene.. well... i pity da fool..
but Brit music is where it''s at.. Pulp, Suede, Radiohead, the Cure, Morrissey (who''s coming to DC in a week..), the Charlatans, etc. the only good American band still puting out music is Sonic Youth.

back to the subject, i used to crack a bit in my spare time.. i''d just get shareware progs, crack them, and delete them (honest).. it''s kinda fun to do, trying to out think the coder (which is all too often way too easy), figure what will crack it.. almost like a good game.. i''d never post them or give them out.. in my opinion, if a developer decides not to put out an evaluation version, then they should have to deal with losing sales due to that.. i admit that there was a couple programs i cracked that i kept around, but the guilt got to me and i deleted them too..

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