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Why don't "Warez" sites get shut down? <more text>

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66 comments, last by DrJohnB 24 years, 4 months ago
Those figures aren''t right if it''s in american or canadian. Unless you are shopping at the "rich-mans boutique". I can get most of those products for the same price or less in canadian funds.
Did you know that 97% of all the software in taiwan are
unlegaly copied.

James Bond

Edited by - Martin2 on 2/22/00 5:12:07 AM
James Bond
Only 97%? Well, Taiwan, and a few other places like Hong Kong don''t have copyright laws...or at least not like the ones we have. They aren''t exactly sparkling examples of how to do things....

A few months ago, NCS was in negotiations with a Hong Kong company to created colored shells for the Playstation. After doing the designing, they let the HK company be in charge of the mass production. A few weeks later, NCS had found out that the HK company was selling those same shells to competitors around the globe. Needless to say, NCS didn''t do business with them again. But the really sad part is that when they were looking into making shells for the dreamcast, they had a hard time finding a HK company that WOULDN''T screw them at the drop of a hat.
Its American, believe it or not.

CompUSA is such a rip-off.

figures, they have a monopoly on all software within 60 miles.

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.
About the Hong Kong Stuff:

I have quite a few Asian friends (all from college), and the Asian mindset is VERY different from wester thought.

I guess the way they think can be summed up into this:
"Who can own music, ideas or thoughts? No one."

In the west, (Europe and America), coveting is part of our culture. We WANT things. Badly. Especially money. Disney is fighting for its right to make money from its creator''s brain child, Mickey Mouse, but why should they? The current owners had nothing to do with the creation of the copyrighted materiel in question.

Hell, if they could find a way, copyright law would eventually turn so strict that we would need to pay the copyright holder for even THINKING about the product.

The Eastern world doesnt think like that. They think that software and music (ideas), should be free for everyone to use, (Not necisarily for the betterment of all human life though).

Most software distibutors refuse to sell to Asia for that reason, so it won''t be pirated. Wow, that is such a flawed concept on so many levels. Im sure most of you can see that.

Anyway, I see that greed is destroying our society. High demand for products creates chaos. Greed benefits only those who have everything, and screws over the average person. I can see it happening, and unless there are significant changes in the next 50 years, the Capitalist governments of the west are going to fall apart.

Why? Because, the greedy (there''s that word again) corporations will do anything for a dollar, including putting thousands of workers out of their jobs. It happens every day, and people don''t seem too concerned about it, because we all contribute to it. Who can honestly say that they have never coveted anything before? Not I.

But eventually, it will bring down our society.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.

Don''t try to convinve me that (A) All asians say that, and (B) they are better for it.

I''m sure a few Asians do think that way, but that type of thinking in no way typifies all Asians. I''ve spent a good portion on my college life studying Japanese (only good thing about college thus far), and I''ve been extremely interested in the Japanese game industry for a while now. And I can tell you with some degree of certainty that they are more similar to our beliefs than a lot of people would like to believe.

Also, relatively few asian countries have wacked out copyright laws. Hong Kong mainly, although I think that now it has become part of China it may have changed slightly. I do know that Nintendo was successful in taking down a large Hong Kong pirating network.

In Japan, the music industry is extremely corrupt and is almost exclusively run by the yakuza (the Japanese gangster org). Most CDs there are on the order of $30-$40...not $10-$15 we pay in the US. 60 minutes of music for the same price as The Sims.

In Japan, a young 12 year old girl was beaten to death. Another one sold her body for money. Both instances were over the Tamagotchi. The entire Japanese society is built on fads. It it isn''t eletronic chickens, it is pokemon, or print clubs, or kareoke, or one of a hundred other weird things that us American''s just don''t get...or do we?

In Japan, the video game companies have been successful in creating a law which states that video game stores CAN''T SELL USED GAMES. Everyone thought this would have an enormous impact on the US, but it didn''t. The short and short of it is that companies don''t make money from used games, only the stores do. A place like EB buys a game for $10 and sells it for $35. That is 250% profit for EB, and Konami (or whomever) doesn''t make a cent...and loses a sale.

Greed isn''t destroying our society. Stupidity is. The smart look down on the stupid, the stupid look down on the greedy, and the greedy look down on everyone. The fact of the matter is that the United States is entering one of the latter stages of society. The fall of the Roman Empire is attributed to the fact that the well educated upper class (there was no middle class) had few kids, whereas the unwashed masses had kids by the boatload to help them in the fields. One day, they realized that they outnumbered the ruling class by 100 to 1, and the bread and circuses just weren''t cutting it anymore. Of course, the drinking water which went through lead pipes and the invading Mongal hordes didn''t help much.

It has happened over and over again. Some countries, such as China, may appear to have survived for thousands of years but it has changed societal stuctures many times. Anyway, scholars believe that this lower classes overcoming the upper ones is one of the last few stages of a society. We still have our bread and circuses (aka Cola and Ally McBeal), but that will only last so long.

Before I go, let me tell you a story. I wrote a game for the Mac several years ago and released it to the world as freeware. It wasn''t anything really great, just a humorous version of Daleks called "Lawyers". In it you played a robot who was relentlessly being persuded by the the men-of-the-briefcase. Anyway, one day a year or two later, I received an email from what must have been a 12 year old kid.

He sent me a new version of my program in which he changed the lawyers to robots (same images) and the robots to lawyers. He also removed any mention of my name and replaced it with his, and changed the intro screen to read his "company" instead of mine. He was asking for my permission to release his version, and said his father was a lawyer.

I was apalled. I didn''t want money from the program, but I certainly didn''t want someone else getting credit for my programming AND my "art" (if you can call it that). In a way, he can be compared to Hong Kong. He took something that someone made, and had copyright of. Modified it so that it no longer listed the creators, and tried to make profit (money or prestige) off the hard work of other people. I told him not only to not distribute the game, but to have anyone he''s given it to destroy their copies. Who knows what he did, I moved over to PC programming shortly thereafter.

You can tell me that you think (copy)rights are stupid, but until you''ve had yours violated (and if you make games, it will happen), you don''t understand AT ALL. Maybe you think they''ve gone too far, but remember that they don''t just protect big business...they protect you too. You''ve just never had your rights in question.
I also believe Japan has a law that states Enix can''t release a game on Monday. Apparently they''re so popular there that whenever they release a game, a boatload of people skip work, school, etc just to play it, so productivity is down for the day!

I''m not claiming this as a fact.. someone in college told me this. He was really into the whole japanese video game scene, so I tend to believe him
You are correct about Japan, and they are the exception.

For the past 50 years, the United States has had a huge impact on Japanese affairs.

After World War II, Who do you think set up the Japanese Government? The United States of course, because Japan surrendered unconditionally to us. WE controlled them, we set up their economy, we made them what they are today.

Not that there is anything wrong with that, but Japan is such a small area compared to the rest of Asia. And Hong Kong is where? Not on Japan.

What motivates China''s dictatorship? Greed of course, for power. Im not saying they are immune to it, im just saying that greed is a very different concept for Asians, and I truly believe that Greed will be the downfall of our society.

Stupidity is just a requirement for greed. What possible reason could a person have to want to acquire so many things that cannot possibly of critical value to that person?

Money is not wealth, though i''d be hard pressed to find someone who agree''s with me here.

What exactly is money? Its supposed to be a medium of exchange that is given to you in return for goods or services of approximate value.

Yet people will kill for money.

True wealth is happiness, and happiness cannot be bought.

I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
Round and round they sped. I was disturbed at this; I accosted the man.
"It is futile," I said, You can never -- "

"You lie," he cried, And ran on.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My signature is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My signature, without me, is useless. Without my signature, I am useless.

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