
Optimizing Screen Space Reflections in Unity

Started by February 16, 2025 11:21 PM
1 comment, last by Creasu 2 days, 3 hours ago

Hello, I have recently tried to learn a bit about programming shaders. I am now working on a screen space reflections shader for URP 17 in Unity 6. The shader is used in a renderer feature. I have a basic working version of the shader that's pretty stable and where the reflections are visible from a long enough distance.

Below is a link to the current shader i have right now.
urp-enhanced/Assets/Shaders/RendererFeatures/TrueScreenSpaceReflections.shader at main · CoolCreasu/urp-enhanced

The issue i am working on right now is trying to optimize it. I found a blog page about a method to do screen space reflections: Casual Effects: Screen Space Ray Tracing from Morgan McGuire.

My maths isn't good but as far as I understand it the general idea of his method is to calculate as much as possible beforehand. For example the start and end positions on screen are used to calculate the delta step for the xy position on screen. I think there also is a DDA algorithm but I am for now only focussing on the calculations in screen space.
The code below is what is working for me right now:

for (float t = tOffset; t < 1.0 && steps < MAX_STEPS; t += tStep, steps += 1)
 float4 pos = lerp(sPosCS, ePosCS, t);
 float testDepth = LinearEyeDepth(pos.z / pos.w, _ZBufferParams);
 float2 uv = (((pos.xy / pos.w) * float2(1, -1)) + 1) * 0.5;

  float sceneDepth = LinearEyeDepth(SampleSceneDepth(uv), _ZBufferParams);
  float sceneDepth = LinearEyeDepth(lerp(UNITY_NEAR_CLIP_VALUE, 1.0, SampleSceneDepth(uv)), _ZBufferParams);

 if (sceneDepth < testDepth)
  return SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BlitTexture, sampler_BlitTexture, uv);

Below is an image of that working code:

However what I want to achieve is something like the following:
Where I can precompute z and then just use t to lerp in between.

float startDepth = LinearEyeDepth(sPosCS.z / sPosCS.w, _ZBufferParams); // precompute z
float endDepth = LinearEyeDepth(ePosCS.z / ePosCS.w, _ZBufferParams); // precompute z

float2 P0 = ((sPosCS.xy / sPosCS.w * float2(1, -1)) + 1) * 0.5;
float2 P1 = ((ePosCS.xy / ePosCS.w * float2(1, -1)) + 1) * 0.5;
uv = lerp(P0, P1, t); // not correct: linear depth seems not to match with this uv interpolation.

However if I use the z calculates above i still need to use the interpolated pos.xy / pos.w each step. I tried calculating start and end uv beforehand too but then my reflections seem to only show up if I look very downwards on the plane reflecting other objects. 

Below is an image when i try to precalculate the values:

And an image of the same perspective as the image above if i try to use precalculated z and uv positions linearly interpolated with t

I am sorry if my explanation isn't clear but I hope someone can help figure out how I can properly calculate the values beforehand so I only have to use lerp or maybe even calculate a delta for z and uv and then add that delta each step.

If i precalculate z but keep using for the uv coordinates my reflections are visible if i look very horizontal, so i think something isn't correct.
float2 uv = (((pos.xy / pos.w) * float2(1, -1)) + 1) * 0.5;

Maybe the interpolated z isn't actually at the same position as the interpolated uv? If anyone knows how this can be correctly done it would be a great help!

I think I found the correct method.
I have been looking around more for some implementations from others where they march in the texture/uv space instead of world or view space. I found one that seemed to work correctly and adjusted my code to follow it.

float3 sPosVS = posVS;
float3 ePosVS = posVS + R_view * 1000.0;

float4 sPosCS = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, float4(sPosVS, 1.0));
float4 ePosCS = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_P, float4(ePosVS, 1.0));
ePosCS = ClipToFrustum(sPosCS, ePosCS);

float3 sPosNDC = / sPosCS.w;
float3 ePosNDC = / ePosCS.w;

float3 sPosTS = float3(sPosNDC.x * 0.5 + 0.5, sPosNDC.y * 0.5 + 0.5, sPosNDC.z);
float3 ePosTS = float3(ePosNDC.x * 0.5 + 0.5, ePosNDC.y * 0.5 + 0.5, ePosNDC.z);

#if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP = float3(sPosTS.x, 1 - sPosTS.y, sPosTS.z); = float3(ePosTS.x, 1 - ePosTS.y, ePosTS.z);

float3 delta = ( -;
float2 pixelDelta = (ePosTS.xy * _ScreenParams.xy) - (sPosTS.xy * _ScreenParams.xy);
float maxSteps = max(abs(pixelDelta.x), abs(pixelDelta.y));
delta = delta / maxSteps;

float4 positionTS = float4( +, 0.0);
float4 directionTS = float4(, 0);

bool hit = false;

I then just loop and increase positionTS with the directionTS each step and then test the scene depth with the ray depth each step. For those depths I use LinearEyeDepth to ensure both are in the same units. This should improve the raymarching already a bit. The next step i need to solve now is how to implement a hi-z depth buffer. The hi-z depth buffer will improve the peformance by helping to skip empty space in a more effective way.
