Latest HLSL Activity
Hm, then there might be something different going on too. I'm not too familiar with the resource-bindings of DX12 myself, so there could be an issue there. But here, you could actually try to declare the texture as “Texture2D<uint>” and use Load instead of Sample, to see if it's an issue with…
I solved the problem, my normals was incorrect
Hi guys,
I've been sort of debugging this code for about two weeks at this point and I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong with it. This is my first ever shader and besides the fact that if statements DO not work and there aren't any warnings about it I think I wasted a total of 40 hou…
Room 8 Group’s Game Development team for PC & Console (Dragons Lake), has made its innovative Render Engine Infrastructure (REI) tool available as an open-source solution. Initially developed to transform game porting, development, and preservation, REI is the result of tireless work carried ou…
I have a small issue with my shaders. Sorry if it is not the right place for this question. In general, the essence is that for my application on dx12, I have shaders in glsl (I'm too lazy to rewrite them because there are many, and they are not only for dx12), and I compile them into hlsl using sp…
In this part of the 2.5D Game in Unity series, we will write a shader to resolve the depth issues that appeared in the scene we created.
As we observed in the previous part of the tutorial, moving the camera results in rendering order glitches.
This issue originates from the way Unity renders sprites…