So, i guess you use 100 bits for all numbers except gravity*, where you use 24.
And maybe i'm willing to accept this. I mean, gravity just causes problems in science it seems, and accepting paradox relativity or quantum entanglement wasn't easy either. Who knows what's next.
But then i'm still worried about this term in the equation:
double beta = sqrt(1.0 - Rs / distance);
Because if distance gets small, there is a square root of a negative number before distance gets zero, causing a div by zero. And both of that seems wrong.
Is this why they say there are two singularities in Schwarzschilds equation?
One at the center of the black hole, and another at the event horizon?
Would this mean that any matter has black hole properties? The center of any particle is a tiny black hole? :D
*) You talked about quantized gravity, but i see it's velocity which is affected, not acceleration.