I've been writing my compiler for 10 years now, scrapped it a few times, reworked a lot of it. I use my own language for all my stuff, but I never managed to finish the self-hosted compiler, and I'm stuck with an incomplete bootstrap compiler. However, it's what I like to work on. If you have a huge project and get upset about not getting recognition, or not ever finishing it, or whatever, then your mindset is wrong. Either you should dump your project, or you should take a step back and take joy in working on it again. That's why you started the project to begin with, I assume. But working on it for the sake of achieving some outcome will make it tedious and unrewarding to work on it. There is no shame in setting the project aside if you don't find any joy in working on it.
Another thing that may be missing is some innovative idea that will make your engine unique. Maybe that would give you joy in working on it again. For example for my language, I designed an entire ISA as the virtual machine my language targets, and that ISA standardises all the relevant multimedia periphery, as well as lets you control shader-like SIMD parallelism. The bytecode is then recompiled to x86 to emulate such a platform. It standardises input, graphics, audio, networking, etc., and has the final goal of having an FPGA implementation one day. So I'm creating a language and an abstract environment I'm programming for, which will eventually let me write programs for a cleanly designed, modern and future-proof hardware environment (similar to how back in the day, you could use the BIOS interrupts for everything, and writing an OS was pretty simple).
Since my ISA supports kernel-like parallel code, parallel parts of programs I write in it can be accelerated on the GPU. I plan to write an environment which lets me write code that directly writes the pixels etc. on the screen without explicitly invoking GPU commands, and then allow it to run on the GPU regardless. The CPU I envision is a mix of CPU and GPU, and instead of simply putting both into one chip like on modern integrated GPUs, I want the CPU to be able to switch into a dynamically-sized-vector execution mode during normal linear execution instead (like a GPU shader).
Anyway that was a lot of rambling, but I hope you can see from that that maybe if you don't feel confident about your project anymore, you're not dreaming big enough. And, again, don't get hung up on results or progress or recognition, that kills the joy. Do what you want, not what others want.