
Using info from an API for moving objects?

Started by September 03, 2023 08:36 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 1 year, 6 months ago

So I'm doing my final project for my multi-agents and 3d Graphics class, and I have a multi-agents script running in mesa that returns each agent's X and Y position through an API, I already am parsing that info and am doing a Debug.Log on each respective object of my Unity Scene, my question really is how can I use those coordinates, like (1,3) to actually move my Unity Objects? I've been thinking of doing a grid system but I've found no info on grid systems in Unity for 3d, should I just follow a tutorial for a 2d grid system and the concepts would remain the same? I'm just really lost on how to actually implement that functionality basically

Just to summarize in case I didn't explain myself well, each gameObject in my scene has a position x, y that i get from an API and I'm struggling on actually representing that position within Unity itself.

sebramirez said:
I'm doing my final project for my multi-agents and 3d Graphics class

Sorry, sebramirez, but we don't permit schoolwork questions here. You should talk to your professors and classmates to figure out how to complete your assignments. Thread locked.

-- Tom Sloper --

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