Hi Everyone!
Quick backstory to answer the possible comments relating to the tittle and “why not just change your degree?" This is my 3rd and possibly final attempt I will ever have at completing college and earning my degree. I have a list of health issues that, in the past, have stopped me from achieving my goals at that point in time but I am determined to get them done. As a result of this I am attending an online college and the only two programs that it has that relate to what I want to do are Software Development and Computer Science. Currently I am in the Software Development program with a focus in C# but will be transferring to Computer Science in the coming months.
The school is not know for its programming degrees, or anything for that matter. This will quite literally just be a piece of paper that says I have a degree at the end of things. I am already going to have to do tons of outside research to actually prepare myself to work on the Programming industry but for game dev specifically I don't know what to do.
What should I be doing while in school to give myself the skills to enter the game dev industry with a computer science degree? My goal is to try and make my own games at home since I enjoy every aspect of game design. I figure that this will help me out to have some things to show on my resume but how much of an impact do indie games really have on getting a job somewhere?
It might be confusing what I am asking to get out of this post lol so simply put…I am expecting my degree to not prepare me for any type of real world application and I want to know what everyone would recommend I do in order to learn game dev without a game dev specific degree and how should I practice and beef up my resume/portfolio while in school to help?
Thanks in advance,