I want to script a cam object eye that sees with it's surface and perspective in Unity
Hello I want to script my own cam. I don't have enough knowledge or experience at Unity. I want to make something that sees with it's surface like this
I have tried to achieve this blending two cams together with a shader over render textures but that's not exact... My idea now is a modified cam object (script) and i know that this goes deep in the materia... How I could make this render perfect like blending it with a third cam and a fourth and so on but lossless at runtime ( like every pixel or stripe a cam (the same cam moving faster than frames) )... This i don't know and I need some ideas or some knowledge... Principally it's possible... An orthographic cam with perspective like this ( taking the half in the middle from moving from its beginning to it's end the wohle space…. When you understand while moving taking the pixels also from its right side to it's end on the left. )
I need this to make boring easy to build games interesting and something like eyes healing to let people change their sighde on the things... When we could be able to let objects see we could make a lot of interesting and good new arts special effects... Please help.. something like printing my own frames on render texture partially by camera displacement at runtime... From stripes or fake pixels systematic exactly calculated from different regions of the cam ? One by one
Like this (the half in the middle a whole one displaced) [ the texture parts could be the pixels ].. i know the graphic looks like sh## but can be understood... Please someone help i am a noob Thank you