
I need some help with the coding of a game I am working on

Started by October 22, 2020 05:52 PM
12 comments, last by fleabay 3 years, 8 months ago

need to read a little bit.. I did that before, copy some code, didn't work, post it on forum! haha but I grow up.. hope he will too.

Check my new game SHOOT THRU on my website:

fgamescreation said:

need to read a little bit.. I did that before, copy some code, didn't work, post it on forum! haha but I grow up.. hope he will too.

He is quite strange sometimes. But please don't make fun of him. After all, this seems to be making fun of him, which I am fine with, but he is still my boss so I can't tolerate something like this. Anyways any questions about Money Life Clicker you have should be asked to me. Not to my boss, he isn't supposed to be working on this project anyways, so this entire topic is not relevant, since I have scraped his version of the game. Since it should have never been made in the first place. So from here on, I will be answering any posts on this topic. So keep in mind that any and all post on this topic that is made by Officer_Erik_K is not relevant to the game anymore.

– Cardeon Denmen - Head of Advertisement - at - Airent Animation Entertainment --


@armen8 So let me get this right. You registered to make a 2 word nonsensical post in a thread that is 2 ½ months old?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

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