
DirectX8 and very low CPU - GPU usage.

Started by October 21, 2020 06:19 PM
1 comment, last by Juliean 4 years, 4 months ago



Hello everyone,

Direct3D (DX8) have a hardware usage limit? game using maximum %30~ GPU(3D) and %10~ CPU.

I have 1080Ti and i7 8700K but game running 15- fps under 'heavy' operations(actually i think not heavy operations because game using DX8) ,  running idle 60 fps capped.

What i can do for game running stable 60 fps?

I see a header file(statemanager.h) in source(this file written by nvidia corp. - nvlink);



Idle usages (60 fps capped);

‘high’ (load?) usages (game running 7~5 fps) 


Thread summary : My game doesn't use hardware as needed, what i can?



NOTE : Game writed with c++, 32 bit - (MMORPG).



Just a wild guess, but a game written in DirectX8 will probably not make much use of multithreading, or does it? If not, I assume you have a PC with 8 threads? If so, the ~12% CPU-usage would mean your game is CPU-locked on one thread, meaning the GPU might be just idling for >⅔rds of the time waiting for the CPU to issue it some work.

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