I’ve been getting movement stutter ( moving the camera) No screen tearing, just choppy movement, almost as if it wobbles, yet the fps remains to be a solid 60.
This only occurs in windows mode, and it appears to be random (smooth more often than not).
I print to canvas using a BufferStrategy(2).
I have tried various gameloop timers. None of them fix the issue.
Every time I try to fix this. The “wobbles” go away but then come back several runs later.
Curiously, when I activate something that makes an impact on fps, It seems to actually fix the stutter.
I’ve commented my gameloop out, and still get these stutters while moving a sprite across the canvas.
Trying this on another machine (fresh win10) gave me constant interval stutter. And only in Window mode.
Ive noticed the same stutter in a fresh LibGDX project. (moving the badlogics logo x+=8)
I’m using JDK 8
public void run() {
long inititalTime = System.nanoTime();
final double ns = 1000000000 / 60.0;
double delta = 0;
while (running) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
delta += (now - inititalTime) / ns;
inititalTime = now;
if (delta >= 1) {
Thank you.