Latest movement Activity
Thank you guys. So this is “arrival behaviour” right? I've got it working now by setting the direction velocity to 0 if the npc is within 5px of it's target.
Rewaz said:
That's what I'm afrid of, maybe WoW does a Lerp, and don't care and since it's just lerping it's almost always in the same position as the server, prob with a check like I said before, that's my concern, that it become and issue later.
For any sufficiently complex system, the number of po…
@HateDread So far we went a maths way and implemented the required thrust calculation using third-degree Newtonian motion formulas - thrusters then change the applied acceleration linearly using constant jerk. This works fantastic for single axes but becomes complicated when for example maximum pos…
Aloxen said:
I need it to get my game working for my school project.
Thread locked. We have a “no homework” policy here. We may need to institute a “no Pascal” rule too. :p
In short:
How do 2D, top-down games usually handle things like speed-boosts or speed-affecting currents?
To explain:
I'm working on a 2D, top-down game at the moment. As things stand, movement works more or less as follows:
- Each character (player or NPC) has a velocity-vector
- When moving under their own…

In the case the link is missing for the video:
In the spirit of continuation (from last entry)In this stage of development, I wanted to prototype how the player would be able to move around in the game: Only using basic movements and actions that are available for all p…

Well well, would you look at the time! It's time for another entry in your favourite Weekly Update blog! This week was quite busy I have to say. There were a lot of things to develop, refactor and design. However, there's only one new challenge this time. Nevertheless, let's get started!
Challenge …