Hi everyone!
My name is Tim Krief, I recently graduated as an electronics and computer science engineer. I chose to be be an Indie Game Dev and I work full-time towards making that a sustainable lifestyle. I'm now actively working on a game called CraftyCounty. It is an intense mash-up, being both a city-Building game and a puzzle / dexterity game. I usually work using free and open source software such as Blender 3D and Godot Engine and so on to create my games, and I'm honestly loving it!
I've just joined this website, I'll hope you'll give me the gist of how it works around here ?
My profile is pretty empty for the moment here, in the meantime you can check my work online:
- On Youtube, I publish weekly devlogs
- On Twitter, I'm quite active there :D
- On Twitch, I live-stream every week-day
- On Itch.io to check all my little game so far
- And much more…
Can't wait to meet you all ?