[C++][raw DirectX11]
I'm working on my engine atm and was wondering what is the best way to achieve really long draw distances. The longer the better, like I'd like to be able to see pixel sized objects. (Maybe not that long but I'd like to play around with it) (Also the performance is not an issue because everything is extremely low rez). The problem is that at the moment even on a small terrains I'm already hitting the camera's far plane. I know I can just increase the far plane but I've heard it could cause z battling (where the far objects pop in and out) if the far plane distance is too far from the near plane. I also know I can decrease the size of the world, but I wasn't sure if that is the correct approach either. As of the moment my “large” terrain is only about 100x50 game units. So if I want to increase the view distance by a 1000 I would have to decrease the world size by 1000 so I'd be working with tenths and hundredths of a single unit. I'd also have to scale all the move speeds by that factor as well. Can't such small numbers have a negative impact on things like physics calculations and such?