Concept Art with Photoshop - Characters

Published August 08, 2011 by design3, posted by Gaiiden
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[size="5"]Concept Art With Photoshop - Characters In this tutorial we'll cover the steps on how to create an orthographic character rendering in Photoshop. We'll begin with a line drawing of half the character then refine the edges as we fill it in. Next we'll continue working in grey-scale while adding shading and lighting to bring out the character's form. Then using simple Photoshop techniques we'll go on to create symmetrical front, back and side renderings. Finally, we'll add a color overlay to give our character a unique look. [size="3"]Chapter 1 - Introduction In this introduction we'll briefly describe what will be covered in the following tutorial.


[size="3"]Chapter 2 - Line Drawing In this chapter we begin to fill in the line drawing with a solid tone.


[size="3"]Chapter 3 - Shading In this chapter we'll merge the line drawing and fill layers together then begin shading in details.


[size="3"]Chapter 4 - Rendering In this chapter we'll start to add definition and depth to the shaded outline.


[size="3"]Chapter 5 - Duplicate & Flip Horizontal In this chapter you'll duplicate the rendered half of your drawing, then flip it horizontally to create a full character.


[size="3"]Chapter 6 - Backside By duplicating our front view we'll quickly paint the back view of our character.


[size="3"]Chapter 7 - Sideview In this section we'll create the side view of our character using the front and back views as guides.


[size="3"]Chapter 8 - Color Overlay In this chapter we'll finish off our character with some color. First we'll create a new layer and fill it with color then we'll set the blending mode to overlay.


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This is super awesome!!!

I would have liked to have seen how the also come up with the character designs- do they use a mood boards, and general descriptions, search google images and istockphoto for references, or base it on something else?

Excellent idea, and it was very enlightening to see the process of adding shading and color! I haven't done multiple colors on overlays before, but now it obviously makes sense.
August 12, 2011 12:00 AM
Wow! This is such useful tutorial from which you can actually learn something. Thanks!
I don't know if it's a problem from my side, but "Join" does not work. I want to subscribe.
August 19, 2011 10:45 AM
Emmet Cooper

This is awesome... Now i can finally create my own art without having to annoy my team's concept artist.. :P

March 28, 2013 08:41 AM
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