
Animation Synchronization, an Orx Video

Started by August 10, 2019 05:51 AM
0 comments, last by sausagejohnson 5 years, 1 month ago

The Orx 2D Game Engine team have released their next demonstration / tutorial video.

This episode shows how to synchronize animations on a hierarchy of objects (parent/children) using the Orx Portable Game Engine. For example, for a parent object, you can have a number of animations defined in the data config, say directions for a robot. You can have matching animations defined for a child object, for example, a flame which will change direction to keep in sync with the parent. This is achieved all in data configuration using naming conventions. Overrides and exceptions are covered in the video too. Hope you like it and find it useful.



Indie game dev in the evenings. Always feel free to say hi.

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