
wanna be 3D programmer?

Started by June 27, 2019 02:14 PM
25 comments, last by 8Observer8 5 years, 2 months ago
21 minutes ago, nrdalrt said:

3D programming would be a long term goal, learning a language other than RPG is gona be my first goal since i'd love to start moving away from RPG and find a more creative type of programming. i downloaded unity and i'm gona start playing with it and figuring it out since i'd never even heard of it before yesterday

We have a Unity group here as well. Check out the following post to get started.


Programmer and 3D Artist

Well how do you plan to actually apply the school lessons? Considering you're not good at giving homework advice?


Another idea how about trying to make a game proggy which would be designed first and foremost be designed help you child improve her enthusiasm for learning?

These tutorials are good too:

Read this small note:


Make small Games


Time to create the first game. Let's make a big MMORPG right?

The Problem

Game developers are enthusiasts. Game developers have big ideas in their head. Now what usually happens is that for their first game they decide to jump right into their dream project.

Time goes by, code gets written and after half a year the project fails due to the overwhelming project size. People get disappointed, teams split up, toes are being stepped on. After taking a little break, they realize that they still love game development and jump right into the next project. This time it's no MMORPG, just a Skyrim clone.

The pattern repeats itself. After a few months people get overwhelmed again. But what is it? Is it the team? Is it the wrong game engine? Is it a lack of skill?

Working on a game project for half a year takes a whole lot of time and hard work. Failing it and knowing that the time was pretty much wasted is the most painful experience that beginners make. And sadly, they make it over and over again.

The Solution

The solution is incredibly simple: make small games. When starting the first game project, the most important thing is to keep it small. From all the ideas you have, pick the smallest one. Maybe make something of the size of pong with a few more special effects, but make it as polished as a game can be.

One month later, chances are high that you will have a finished game in your portfolio. It might be a small one, but it's fun, it's polished and finishing it will be a great ego boost for you. Who knows, maybe you can even make a few dollars with it.

Now the next game project starts. The goal should be a game that is just slightly bigger than the previous one. If the first one took one month to make it, try to make a two months game now. Finish it, polish it, release it and learn from it. That's the process that leads to finishing your dream project some day! And on a side note: looking at a list of 20 games that you finished successfully is a great feeling.


Starting small and getting confidence and experience is the single most important thing to learn about making games. There is not a single successful MMORPG out there that was created by people who made their first game. Even smaller multiplayer games like Minecraft are usually not someones first project. To be exact, the creator was making games for 20 years already, this should give you an idea about how important experience really is.



On 6/27/2019 at 2:05 PM, nrdalrt said:

I keep wishing there was a game like app that I could put my daughter's actual school work into for her to play.  Her spelling and vocabulary words, math that's on topic with what she's learning all in a virtual world that can be updated as she progresses through the school year and that she'll think is fun.

You might like what these guys are doing...

Learn C# and OpenTK. It is more simple than C++ and OpenGL. It will help you to use Engines that use C# for scripting. With C# and OpenTK you can make non-game hybrid applications with GUI in WinForms or WPF. You can draw 3D plots, 2D graphs of functions or industrial interactive 3D scenes. You will understand how shaders works and how to write your own shaders for game engines like Unity, Godot and so on. I think my ideas is good for programmers but not for designers and not for artists.

I like to learn TypeScript and WebGL engines. You can start to make 3D games and interactive applications using Three.js and TypeScript. Maybe my simple 3D Snake will help you. You can play and see code on Playground:

P.S. I made this demo using this tutorial about Unity 2D Snake

22 minutes ago, Guy Fleegman said:

You might like what these guys are doing...

I like this idea. Writing simple games can help kids and students to learn programming. It helps to learn programming deeper me too. If you add multiplayer to simple games (like card games, checkers, sea battle, snake and so on) it will be awesome. Let's practice with writing simple games.

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