
Light culling compute shader really slow

Started by March 24, 2019 11:45 AM
2 comments, last by fries 5 years, 10 months ago


I've been looking into tiled forward rendering and it's pretty much working except the performance of my compute shader is awful and I can't find out why.
The light culling takes over 17ms on 1920x1080, thread group size of 16x16 with 512 small point lights while others get this under 1ms!
I've mainly based myself on this page: the compute shader is almost identical except that I added AABB culling on top of it.
The shader code is below:


#include "Common.hlsl"
#include "Constants.hlsl"

cbuffer ShaderParameters : register(b0)
    float4x4 cView;
    uint4 cNumThreadGroups;
    float4x4 cProjectionInverse;
    float2 cScreenDimensions;

cbuffer LightData : register(b1)
    Light cLights[LIGHT_COUNT];

Texture2D tDepthTexture : register(t0);
globallycoherent RWStructuredBuffer<uint> uLightIndexCounter : register(u0);
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> uLightIndexList : register(u1);
RWTexture2D<uint2> uOutLightGrid : register(u2);

groupshared uint MinDepth;
groupshared uint MaxDepth;
groupshared Frustum GroupFrustum;
groupshared AABB GroupAABB;
groupshared uint LightCount;
groupshared uint LightIndexStartOffset;
groupshared uint LightList[1024];
groupshared uint DepthMask;

void AddLight(uint lightIndex)
    uint index;
    InterlockedAdd(LightCount, 1, index);
    if (index < 1024)
        LightList[index] = lightIndex;

bool SphereBehindPlane(Sphere sphere, Plane plane)
    return dot(plane.Normal, sphere.Position) - plane.DistanceToOrigin < -sphere.Radius;

bool PointBehindPlane(float3 p, Plane plane)
    return dot(plane.Normal, p) - plane.DistanceToOrigin < 0;

bool ConeBehindPlane(Cone cone, Plane plane)
    float3 furthestPointDirection = cross(cross(plane.Normal, cone.Direction), cone.Direction);
    float3 furthestPointOnCircle = cone.Tip + cone.Direction * cone.Height - furthestPointDirection * cone.Radius;
    return PointBehindPlane(cone.Tip, plane) && PointBehindPlane(furthestPointOnCircle, plane);

bool ConeInFrustum(Cone cone, Frustum frustum, float zNear, float zFar)
    Plane nearPlane, farPlane;
    nearPlane.Normal = float3(0, 0, 1);
    nearPlane.DistanceToOrigin = zNear;
    farPlane.Normal = float3(0, 0, -1);
    farPlane.DistanceToOrigin = -zFar;
    bool inside = !(ConeBehindPlane(cone, nearPlane) || ConeBehindPlane(cone, farPlane));
    for(int i = 0; i < 4 && inside; ++i)
        inside = !ConeBehindPlane(cone, frustum.Planes[i]);
    return inside;

bool SphereInFrustum(Sphere sphere, Frustum frustum, float depthNear, float depthFar)
    bool inside = !(sphere.Position.z + sphere.Radius < depthNear || sphere.Position.z - sphere.Radius > depthFar);
    for(int i = 0; i < 4 && inside; ++i)
        inside = !SphereBehindPlane(sphere, frustum.Planes[i]);
    return inside;

bool SphereInAABB(Sphere sphere, AABB aabb)
    float3 d = max(0, abs(aabb.Center - sphere.Position) - aabb.Extents);
    float distanceSq = dot(d, d);
    return distanceSq <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius;

struct CS_INPUT
    uint3 GroupId : SV_GROUPID;
    uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GROUPTHREADID;
    uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DISPATCHTHREADID;
    uint GroupIndex : SV_GROUPINDEX;

uint CreateLightMask(float depthRangeMin, float depthRange, Sphere sphere)
    float fMin = sphere.Position.z - sphere.Radius;
    float fMax = sphere.Position.z + sphere.Radius;
    uint maskIndexStart = max(0, min(31, floor((fMin - depthRangeMin) * depthRange)));
    uint maskIndexEnd = max(0, min(31, floor((fMax - depthRangeMin) * depthRange)));

    uint mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    mask >>= 31 - (maskIndexEnd - maskIndexStart);
    mask <<= maskIndexStart;
    return mask;

[numthreads(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 1)]
void CSMain(CS_INPUT input)
    int2 texCoord = input.DispatchThreadId.xy;
    float fDepth = tDepthTexture[texCoord].r;

    //Convert to uint because you can't used interlocked functions on floats
    uint depth = asuint(fDepth);

    //Initialize the groupshared data only on the first thread of the group
    if (input.GroupIndex == 0)
        MinDepth = 0xffffffff;
        MaxDepth = 0;
        LightCount = 0;
        DepthMask = 0;

    //Wait for thread 0 to finish with initializing the groupshared data

    //Find the min and max depth values in the threadgroup
    InterlockedMin(MinDepth, depth);
    InterlockedMax(MaxDepth, depth);

    //Wait for all the threads to finish

    float fMinDepth = asfloat(MinDepth);
    float fMaxDepth = asfloat(MaxDepth);

    if(input.GroupIndex == 0)
        float3 viewSpace[8];
		viewSpace[0] = ScreenToView(float4(input.GroupId.xy * BLOCK_SIZE, fMinDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[1] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x + 1, input.GroupId.y) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMinDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[2] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x, input.GroupId.y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMinDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[3] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x + 1, input.GroupId.y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMinDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[4] = ScreenToView(float4(input.GroupId.xy * BLOCK_SIZE, fMaxDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[5] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x + 1, input.GroupId.y) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMaxDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[6] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x, input.GroupId.y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMaxDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;
		viewSpace[7] = ScreenToView(float4(float2(input.GroupId.x + 1, input.GroupId.y + 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, fMaxDepth, 1.0f), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).xyz;

        GroupFrustum.Planes[0] = CalculatePlane(float3(0, 0, 0), viewSpace[6], viewSpace[4]);
        GroupFrustum.Planes[1] = CalculatePlane(float3(0, 0, 0), viewSpace[5], viewSpace[7]);
        GroupFrustum.Planes[2] = CalculatePlane(float3(0, 0, 0), viewSpace[4], viewSpace[5]);
        GroupFrustum.Planes[3] = CalculatePlane(float3(0, 0, 0), viewSpace[7], viewSpace[6]);

        float3 minAABB = 1000000;
        float3 maxAABB = -1000000;
        for(uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
            minAABB = min(minAABB, viewSpace[i]);
            maxAABB = max(maxAABB, viewSpace[i]);
        AABBFromMinMax(GroupAABB, minAABB, maxAABB);        
    // Convert depth values to view space.
    float minDepthVS = ScreenToView(float4(0, 0, fMinDepth, 1), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).z;
    float maxDepthVS = ScreenToView(float4(0, 0, fMaxDepth, 1), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).z;
    float nearClipVS = ScreenToView(float4(0, 0, 0, 1), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).z;

    float depthVS = ScreenToView(float4(0, 0, fDepth, 1), cScreenDimensions, cProjectionInverse).z;
    float depthRange = 31.0f / (maxDepthVS - minDepthVS);
    uint cellIndex = max(0, min(31, floor((depthVS - minDepthVS) * depthRange)));
    InterlockedOr(DepthMask, 1 << cellIndex);

    // Clipping plane for minimum depth value 
    Plane minPlane;
    minPlane.Normal = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    minPlane.DistanceToOrigin = minDepthVS;


    //Perform the light culling
    for(uint i = input.GroupIndex; i < LIGHT_COUNT; i += BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE)
        Light light = cLights[i];

        case LIGHT_POINT:
            Sphere sphere = (Sphere)0;
            sphere.Radius = light.Range;
            sphere.Position = mul(float4(light.Position, 1.0f), cView).xyz;
            if (SphereInFrustum(sphere, GroupFrustum, nearClipVS, maxDepthVS))
                if(SphereInAABB(sphere, GroupAABB))
                    if(DepthMask & CreateLightMask(minDepthVS, depthRange, sphere))
        case LIGHT_SPOT:
            Sphere sphere;
            sphere.Radius = light.Range * 0.5f / pow(cos(radians(light.SpotLightAngle / 2)), 2);
            sphere.Position = mul(float4(light.Position, 1), cView).xyz + mul(light.Direction, (float3x3)cView) * sphere.Radius;
            if (SphereInFrustum(sphere, GroupFrustum, nearClipVS, maxDepthVS))
                if(SphereInAABB(sphere, GroupAABB))
                    if(DepthMask & CreateLightMask(minDepthVS, depthRange, sphere))


    //Populate the light grid only on the first thread in the group
    if (input.GroupIndex == 0)
        InterlockedAdd(uLightIndexCounter[0], LightCount, LightIndexStartOffset);
        uOutLightGrid[input.GroupId.xy] = uint2(LightIndexStartOffset, LightCount);


    //Distribute populating the light index light amonst threads in the thread group
    for (i = input.GroupIndex; i < LightCount; i += BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCK_SIZE)
        uLightIndexList[LightIndexStartOffset + i] = LightList[i];


I've noticed when commenting the part at the end where it writes to the lightgrid and lightindexlist, the performance of the pass increases significantly although I don't understand why.
Since the shader is mostly identical to the others, I'm wondering if the problem lies outside of the shader...
Does someone have any guidelines to debug this?


I have found the culprit!
After changing the light buffer from a ConstantBuffer to a Structured buffer the performance improved by a tenfold.
I found this after reading these great articles from Nvidia:

These are definitely worth a read!

TLDR is, don't use constant buffers if memory access is not coherent :)


You should look at clustered shading or:

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