Well, just for the fun of it i started to implement a simple quadtree into a little project of mine. Just to maybe speed up rendering and have at least some sort of culling for maps as they are made as basicly one huge mesh. But then there is the situation that triangles will cross borders of the childnodes if a node has to be splitted.
Pushing them into the parent node would be easier, but that means that there is the potential to draw more nodes than possible because of well, crossing triangles.
Then if they would get split so that i only have to render leaf nodes, means i get quite some more triangles to render.
As for now the quadtree will only be used for rendering so each triangle in the hughe mesh should only be present one time(to avoid possible overdraw/double rendering of triangles)
Now what i'm asking or where i need some input is, is it better to push the triangles which are in more than one childnode into the parent node or split them at the boundary, resuling in more triangles but they will only be in leaf nodes ?
regards Ryokeen