i am trying to make a basic rts with 100 vs 100 character, but as in rts we need box selection for picking multiple units, and if we
are in perspective projection we need to define the frustum against the camera where it is defined by the cursor position.
now my question is i am somehow able to get eight vertices in the 3d world that defines frustum against which collision should be checked
but i don't know how to put that eight vertices in the bullet physics engine,
should i use the btConvexHullShape, then how am i supposed to fit this eight vertices as a triangular mesh.
is there a thing called btFrustumShape or more like it.
there is a fully another way to do this thing.
i implemented the single click selection via ray casting with bullet.
one thing more i am un-projecting the mouse coordinates with depth 1.0f and 0.0f first when it is clicked and released which gives
topleft and bottomright coordinates of the 2d rectangle(selection box).
thanks in advance.
excuse me for poor syntax?.