41 minutes ago, Fulcrum.013 said:Ok. As we know any programm directly or indirectly implements a state machine. If machine A have n states and machine B have m states together it have n+m states. But machine C that have action equal to both machines same time have n*m states. So then tinyest universal pieces used to decomposite task then shorter and simplier code it required totaly. So deep task analisis and high-level abstraction is much simple way to get ready solution then "just code as something who know nothing in task fields sayd". Also do not forget that any component that you code today become to your tool tomorrow. So universally designed components just a way to make something for cost of couple machine-seconds of template instantination instead of human-years of coding. Really good programmer - is a lazzy programmer, becouse prefer to do short universal code that allow to shorten depnded code at least twice in comparsion with "Focus on the exact things you need to actually produce". Becouse only mind of lazzy programmer - is to make architecture/components that make for him 99% of his job. Fnd really it as result allow to spent other couple machine-seconds of template instantination instead of human-years of coding witout analizing a task.
Do you have any game development experience?