
Brilliant game Idea of a GTA Primal.

Started by July 29, 2018 12:30 PM
35 comments, last by jbadams 6 years, 1 month ago
4 hours ago, sprotz said:

The pessimistic attitude and calibre of the members on here made me do it, almost made me doubt myself. I doubt there are any adults on this forum. 

@sprotz You've come to a game development forum which has a variety of people that come with different backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets so you're going to get people's opinions which may or may not be what you want to hear.

At the end of the day this project is more important to you than anyone else here. It's up to you to go out and create your game in the image you've set and make it happen. Your level of experience and knowledge along with your skill set will ultimately determine how fast you can create this project and the final quality of the game.

I've seen countless posts from people that want to make their dream game, or they have an amazing idea that write walls of text but no actual work is being done. All the matters is what you can put out in a tangible state, not what you 'could' put out.

I would suggest getting to work sooner than later if you want to complete your game within a reasonable time.

Best of luck!

Programmer and 3D Artist

Are you planning on asset flipping? I just want to warn you right now, people can easily tell if a game uses flipped assets, and it is greatly frowned upon. You should either hire an artist or produce your own models/textures.

View my game dev blog here!


1. You presented a super ambitious and large project. That you will complete yourself. Without budget.

2. You displayed a lack of knowledge and experience in game development in general and unwillingness to learn from those with ACTUAL experience.

3. People pointed out that this is naive (and frankly quite arrogant as well)

4. You want to "punish" those people by charging money for your hypothetical game? That is not even in production yet. That ... is... bizarre...

For one, your target audience isn't the game developers on this forum.

On 8/12/2018 at 12:17 AM, Solid_Spy said:

Are you planning on asset flipping? I just want to warn you right now, people can easily tell if a game uses flipped assets, and it is greatly frowned upon. You should either hire an artist or produce your own models/textures.

Is that definition stolen assets? If so, I don't steal assets like most of you do... I can 3D model and texture very well which most of the indies can't because they are 14 year olds or under so they just stick with 2D. And getting free 3D models from the internet is fine, so long as they are original.

@suliman  If the quality warrants charging then why not, besides I have been too nice in the past. I studied game development, I don't need to re-learn. Besides they are telling me here that I cannot develop something other sole devs have already made. I have made a large open world game in 3D for christ sake.

25 minutes ago, sprotz said:

Is that definition stolen assets? If so, I don't steal assets like most of you do... I can 3D model and texture very well which most of the indies can't because they are 14 year olds or under so they just stick with 2D. And getting free 3D models from the internet is fine, so long as they are original.

@suliman  If the quality warrants charging then why not, besides I have been too nice in the past. I studied game development, I don't need to re-learn. Besides they are telling me here that I cannot develop something other sole devs have already made. I have made a large open world game in 3D for christ sake.

No, asset flipping refers to people re-using assets that are pre-made, it has nothing to do with "stolen assets" which is another topic in itself. You see this term used a lot when referring to games made with Unity due to the asset store.

What are you talking about by saying most of "us" steal assets... Where are you getting that most indies are 14 year olds that only stick with 2D??? These are some strange statements to be pulling out of thin air about the game development community.

I'm glad you can 3D model and texture very well, and I'm also glad you've made a open world game in 3D.

34 minutes ago, sprotz said:

Besides they are telling me here that I cannot develop something other sole devs have already made.

For one you're not those other developers, and second, everyone comes with different abilities and skill sets which range in caliber. The further you are behind, the longer you have to battle with time to catch up. Just because John Doe made (x) game within a certain period of time with great quality doesn't mean another person can do the same within equal time constraints factoring in their skill and ability.

If you can develop this game, why not just ignore what you consider "negative feedback" and just do it. You haven't shown anything that has materialized from your idea, so you shouldn't expect everyone to be in aw of what you call a "Brilliant Idea". We read tons of threads about the next big idea, and it's usually just that.... it never evolves past that point. People would be more impressed if you talked about your idea backed with proof of concept.

Programmer and 3D Artist

56 minutes ago, sprotz said:

Is that definition stolen assets? If so, I don't steal assets like most of you do... I can 3D model and texture very well which most of the indies can't because they are 14 year olds or under so they just stick with 2D. And getting free 3D models from the internet is fine, so long as they are original.

Asset flip means buying models from Unity / UE4 asset stores, instead doing them yourself. If you do it a lot and not much else, it may appear generic, mixed, uninspired, cheap production, etc. and people call it asset flip with a condescending meaning then. 

14 Year olds can't be indies. Indie means making a business out of games but without a large publisher on top. 14 Year olds are likely hobby devs.

Just to clear out some terminology :)


Ok then, sorry for misunderstanding, if that is what asset flip means, buying from the asset store. I dislike that idea, especially character and object models. I only get physics settings and code scripts from the asset store. I also model my own worlds and levels but I may download textures. But recycling assets from my own previous game, I do that.

I did not expect negative feedback but I chose to keep defending myself because I believe in what I can do, and because it's in my nature too seek vengeance.

Well what is the difference between asset flipping a model and asset flipping textures?  Why is one okay in your books but not the other?  In some cases making a texture is more difficult then a model.  I'm honestly curious about this.

31 minutes ago, sprotz said:

I did not expect negative feedback but I chose to keep defending myself because I believe in what I can do, and because it's in my nature too seek vengeance.

Based on your previous post that got locked down by the mods, you're surprised by negative feedback?  You were being very arrogant and rejecting advice/comments and experience from industry veterans with zero to show for your arrogance.  It would be one thing if you had published several well received games in a very short period to back up your claims. Also as an aside, seeking vengeance is a complete and total waste of your time and the other person is likely to not give a darn.  Especially on forums.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

9 hours ago, CrazyCdn said:

 is more difficult then a model.  

Broken English. It is "than" not 'then'

9 hours ago, CrazyCdn said:

very arrogant and rejecting advice/comments and experience from industry veterans 

It is not being arrogant, but highly ambitious and of high standard.  'Veterans'? They sounded like clueless amateurs who fear 3D and stick to 2D. Saying this can't be made. Just search 'Lost soul aside" or "War storm" or "Bright memory" or "Banished" or "kiwi 64" and see what I mean.

Btw I called @hplus0603 an Ogre :D

30 minutes ago, sprotz said:

They sounded like clueless amateurs who fear 3D and stick to 2D.

I could say something stupid like those amateurs have written their own 3D graphics and physics engines while you were toying with game maker, so probably they do not fear 3D. They also don't steal assets and can model and texturing too. They may have worked on games you do not need to search for in deep corners of the web, because everybody knows them already.

So come on and be a bit polite i suggest. We did not attack you - you provoked the response yourself.

I hope your games will be as entertaining as your appearance here... if so, there's potential... :D

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