In traditional way, it needs 6 passes for a point light and many passes for cascaded shadow mapping to generate shadow maps. Recently I learnt a method that using a geometry shader to generate all the shadow maps in one pass.I specify a render target and a depth-stencil buffer which are both Texture2dArray in DirectX11.It looks much better than the traditional way I think.But after I implemented it, I found cascaded shadow mapping runs much slower than the traditional way.The fps slow down from 60 to 35.I don't know why.I guess may be I should do some culling or maybe the geometry shader is not efficient.
I want to know the reason that I reduced the drawcalls from 8 to 1, but it runs slow down.Should I abandon this method or is there any way to optimize this method to run more efficiently than multi-pass rendering?
Here is the gs code:
void main(
triangle DepthGsIn input[3] : SV_POSITION,
inout TriangleStream< DepthPsIn > output
for (uint k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
DepthPsIn element;
element.RTIndex = k;
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
float2 shadowSlopeBias = calculateShadowSlopeBias(input.normal, -g_cameras[k].world[1]);
float shadowBias = shadowSlopeBias.y * g_cameras[k].shadowMapParameters.x + g_cameras[k].shadowMapParameters.y;
element.position = input.position + shadowBias * g_cameras[k].world[1];
element.position = mul(element.position, g_cameras[k].viewProjection);
element.depth = element.position.z / element.position.w;