
The Battlefield V "Historical Accuracy" Controversy

Started by May 31, 2018 03:15 PM
161 comments, last by benjamin1441 6 years, 3 months ago
25 minutes ago, Gian-Reto said:
1 hour ago, Bregma said:

Being a straight white male of privilege is good enough for straight white males of privilege.  It should damn well be good enough for all those others too.

Well, as long as they get other games playing as blacks, females, or people without privilege, I don't see the issue?

Separate but equal.  Now, why the Jim Crow does that sound familiar?

I can see it now.  Go in to the FC Games boutique at the mall, go past the merchandise for regular normal people, past the pink aisle for the girl games (ponies! unicorns! dating sims! unicorn dating sims!) to find the broken rack at the back with the sign marked "coloreds" for the crime syndicate sims?

Hold that tiki torch high in the name of making gaming great again.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

1 hour ago, Bregma said:

Separate but equal.  Now, why the Jim Crow does that sound familiar?

I can see it now.  Go in to the FC Games boutique at the mall, go past the merchandise for regular normal people, past the pink aisle for the girl games (ponies! unicorns! dating sims! unicorn dating sims!) to find the broken rack at the back with the sign marked "coloreds" for the crime syndicate sims?

Hold that tiki torch high in the name of making gaming great again.

Well, in the current climate in the gaming sphere I expect rather the white only game to be back there... but really, it doesn't matter now who gets the shorter stick in this scenario now, no?


We probably all would want games to be able to be inclusive, yes? And the environment in gaming to be welcoming to these kind of games, yes?

Probably not going to happen in a toxic climate where everyone is screaming bloody murder as soon as they perceive the slightest fault in a new game coming out. As said, a very REACTIVE environment. Where TWO have contributed to make it so toxic...


But anyway, probably I am wasting my keyboard keys lifetime here...

18 hours ago, Bob Marl said:

What if you go eat to the same burger house 5 times in a row and you eat the same burger (as analogy to the older BFs). The 6th time, you ask for a burger, but you get a salad (as the new BFs that are being changed). It's basically the same thing as saying "look fatty, you've been eating too much burgers, take a salad, it's good for your health". How the hell can't you see how moralizing is that?

That's a terrible analogy. For one, every Battlefield game has never been identical to its predecessor. Your claim is demonstrably false. Each game has been different and brought tons of changes. Secondly, how is the change of adding multiplayer skins so drastic that you are going from a burger to a salad? How is this such a drastic change? How has your gaming experience changed so drastically as opposed to the many major gameplay changes made over the years? Moreover, where are devs moralizing about it? In your 'analogy' the guy is saying "yo you're too fat, eat a salad, it's good for you", show me where the devs are acting that way? How is the mere act of adding a multiplayer skin customization option moralizing? Do these skins have political slogans on them that I missed? @Hodgman sounds pretty spot on in that it sounds more like y'all are pushing an agenda onto something that has no agenda. 

Moreover, asking for a burger, a predefined item on a menu, is radically different from the game industry. You don't really 'ask' for a game. Devs make a game, they put it on the market, and you choose to buy or not. If enough people like it, then devs make money. It's an entirely different dynamic.

A lot of people have repeated many different arguments here that address a lot of points, I'm not going to repeat them.

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

If I would have to say where I stand as an european... I am a bystander, just looking at the whole mess and trying to decide who to root for. I see outrage warriors and toxic behaviour on both sides. I see good people on both sides. I have not idea where it all started, really, because going from the US history to the current political climate in parts of the US is quite a stretch for someone like me. Maybe because I am not involved in it, sure. I sure as hell can understand some of the frustration... maybe a little bit more on the progressive side, in my heart at least...

I'm not quite sure that this is necessarily true. I've seen a lot of equivocating of 'both sides' in US politics, and I don't think I quite agree with how true it is, for various reasons.

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Asking for representation is all good and well. As far as I can tell it is working, and you get it.

DEMANDING it is the problem here. I have no sympathy for toxic behaviour towards a game dev that just creates a game you seemingly don't like. I don't care if some dev creates a game full of black people... why do you care if its a game full of white people? I don't care if someone ruins another old 80's cartoon (*cough*Thundercats Roar*cough*)... I might bitch and moan a little bit about it, but then I move on and simply spend my money elsewhere. Why do some people have to try to deplatform and slander people for the slightest deviation form their own orthodoxy?

I do not support the guys that want only white males in all the games either. Especially the toxic ones. But see, I see them as just as reactionary as your side in the end. This culture war in nerd culture is really self destructive.

I rather stay out of it.

Where have people been demanding? Where have people said that "there's too many whites here, we need to change this". There have been frequent complaints about white-washing for the reasons that @Mynx stated, but I don't see 'rabid reactionaries' that attack any form of media for being too white. If there are examples, please do show them to me. If they exist, then yeah, I'd like to see and discuss as well.

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Look, I can GET that some people seem very keen on representation...  I never have looked for that myself. My heros have been black (Blade), female (Samus Aran, Ripley), non-human (Katt from BoF2), whatever. I do understand that maybe that has to do with representation of MY ethnicity and gender never having been an issue in media.

And that's fine so long as you understand what the issue is. 

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

And while my historical fetischism might bleed saying that, I can understand why people would want to be able to create whatever they want as an avatar in a multiplayer game. I just hope that the historical campaign, if there is one, concentrates on ACTUAL people having fought in the war, many of whom were black. Maybe not in the normandie or in russia. But then, do we really need another game about Normandie or Barbarossa? The Indian soldiers fighting for great britain, or the black US soldiers, and some other region WW2 raged in would certainly deserve a place in a game.

I don't disagree. I would definitely like to see more actual history that people don't see. But again, we don't know anything about the campaign. I've largely avoided discussing the campaign because there's no details about it. I don't see the point in debating something that has no details yet. 

Battlefield 1, in my opinion handled this well though.

I'm still very unsure about why multiplayer skins are such a big deal though.

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Still. You want to get people in the middle to join your cause? Maybe start being less toxic to them, and being the better persons than the guys on the right. Trying to manipulate them with their bad consience probably is not going to work, the further away from the far left you get. The word "privilege" has not the same sting over here in continental europe, so much I can tell you.

I'm going to reiterate: I don't think the whole debate is as "everyone's toxic" as you seem to think. You're observing from continental Europe, where race relations, Left vs Right, and other issues are very different, and everything about the US is viewed from afar, so understandably, it's easy to miss a lot of details, just as I'd miss a ton of details regarding European politics. 

14 minutes ago, Gian-Reto said:

Probably not going to happen in a toxic climate where everyone is screaming bloody murder as soon as they perceive the slightest fault in a new game coming out. As said, a very REACTIVE environment. Where TWO have contributed to make it so toxic...

Again, I'd like to see examples of the 'opposite'. When has there been a controversy for something being too 'white'? I haven't heard it myself.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

10 hours ago, JoeJ said:
17 hours ago, Bob Marl said:

I can play an adventure game with a female character like Tomb Raider without feeling rejected for not being able to change Lara's sex


I've had a similar idea over night. My proposal is to add the following check boxes to the Options menu of my next game: 


[x] Disable Chromatic Abberation

[x] Force 60 FPS

[x] Replace Female Models With Males 

I think you didn't understand what I said. I said there is no problem with having Lara a female because SHE IS. Stop trying to alter the facts to cather to the fragile SJWs.


10 hours ago, JoeJ said:

To prevent SJW from tearing me apart for those discriminating options,

What about you get a spine and stand straight instead of cathering to the loud minority. Well, you can do that if you want to make games for that niche market. The majority of gamers are not SJWs.

24 minutes ago, deltaKshatriya said:

Each game has been different and brought tons of changes. Secondly, how is the change of adding multiplayer skins so drastic that you are going from a burger to a salad?

The difference is that those changes were not to cater to SJWs.

8 minutes ago, Bob Marl said:

I think you didn't understand what I said. I said there is no problem with having Lara a female because SHE IS. Stop trying to alter the facts to cather to the fragile SJWs.

My proposal is not to add these options to the next Tomb Raider - of course you don't have a problem with Lara Croft - no male has.

My proposal is to add these options to BF V. Would you be happy if you could replace female with male avatars there? Would this solve your problem? I'm asking seriously, and sarcasm aside.

11 minutes ago, Bob Marl said:

What about you get a spine and stand straight instead of cathering to the loud minority. Well, you can do that if you want to make games for that niche market. The majority of gamers are not SJWs.

I don't care which side is the minority, which side is louder.

We're on page 8 now, and still not a single example of an existing game forcing diversity.

Is this all about nothing? Just a viral shitstorm for fun? Should we pay attention at all to your demands?

27 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

We're on page 8 now, and still not a single example of an existing game forcing diversity.

A game that alters facts to cater to SJWs. That's what forcing diversity is and it's everywhere.

27 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

Is this all about nothing? Just a viral shitstorm for fun?

It's not for fun, there's a reason. This reason is my first line above. To me, this reason is valid. Maybe to you it's not.

27 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

I don't care which side is the minority, which side is louder. 

Should we pay attention at all to your demands? 


Ask yourself who made battlefield a success. Who bought the games year after year. Do you want to pay attention to their demands? That question is to you only to answer. You have the right to ignore their demands but live with the fact that you'll upset this group.

34 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

My proposal is to add these options to BF V. Would you be happy if you could replace female with male avatars there? Would this solve your problem? I'm asking seriously, and sarcasm aside.

Who are you trying to cater? I personally don't want that. Some people may want that. Decide for yourself.

17 minutes ago, Bob Marl said:
42 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

We're on page 8 now, and still not a single example of an existing game forcing diversity.

A game that alters facts to cater to SJWs. That's what forcing diversity is and it's everywhere.

You dodge my question. If it's everywhere, just name a single game.

19 minutes ago, Bob Marl said:

Ask yourself who made battlefield a success. Who bought the games year after year.

Dice made this Game, not you. Your contribution to the game is zero. You made a decision to buy it. That's all and has nothing to do with developing games. You think you own the the game, or they owe you something because for whatever frightening reason this game is too important for you. We make games, stupid little games - no religion, no second life, not a virtual better world we have to taylor to your demands. There will be a time we'll give you options to do this yourself - think of a better Minecraft. But we are not there yet. Have patience and calm down. Your toxic behavior hurts this process. Grown up people already stop playing the the games they like because of toxic community. This hurts our economy, similar to how your offense demands hurt our motivation.

Let me preface this by saying I'm not a big fan of forced diversity either. Forced diversity usually leads to poorly written characters and poor representation, and a lot of stereotyping. And for some minority groups that poor representation is so much worse than no representation.

Alright, let's get into this.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Well, at least you see the weakness of your whole ideology... or at least the ideology you seem to champion.

I came in here to defend my desire for more women in games and to defend my non-white friends. Nothing more. If you're expecting another "outrage warrior" you're not going to find one.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Not every game has to be for everyone?

I agree wholeheartedly.

The problem I have, as a woman, is that most games of my favorite genre are only targeted at men. And this drives me nuts because to developers, I don't exist. My sales don't count, my opinion doesn't matter.

Imagine if your favorite genre of games was only filled with pink girly themes, fashion and makeup, and other stereo typically (and even possibly harmful) "femininity" that you have no experience in? How far do you think you can relate to characters in that setting? You can't tell me you wouldn't want a few more games featuring more typically "male" themes.

I'm not saying lets make all shooters super girly (though one would be pretty freaking awesome). I just want to see characters who aren't oozing with masculinity and who have motivations outside of some sense of pride that I can't relate to, which is excruciatingly common.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

One thing you might want to understand is this: when you say "we are asking to get characters we can associate with"... you do say "I cannot associate with a person that is not my color of skin". You do understand how that sounds to someone else, do you? I know that this is not what you, and probably many on your side of the spectrum mean, but for someone who actual doesn't care about the skin color of other people (thanks to living in a country lacking any history that would breed that kind of thinking), this sounds pretty offputting.

Ok, not the best choice of words, I'll admit. What I meant there was the same as above, though. I've said it before but I have no problem relating to male characters, I care about their motivations, I care that they "get the girl", etc.

But men are different than me. They interact with each other differently, they have different experiences, problems, viewpoints and priorities. People of different races, genders and nationalities all have different perspectives and react to situations in different ways, they see the world differently. You yourself confirm that repeatedly by stating you're from Europe and how race issues are very different for you.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

I don't care if some dev creates a game full of black people... why do you care if its a game full of white people?

When all games and movies are filled to the brim with white male protagonists, I only ever get to experience one particular narrow viewpoint of the world, and it gets stale. Very stale. But that's not the real issue.

The real issue is: what about the rest of us? Why are men so important that they get to have all of the spotlight and representation? Why are they prioritized? Why is there so much backlash when a woman plays the lead in a new Star Wars movie instead of a man? Why can't she be there? Is she not deserving of it?

And that's where it comes full circle and lands in sexism/racism town. In isolation having white characters is absolutely fine, having entire casts of white people would be fine. But in the larger social context, especially in NA, this kind of thing reinforces a long-standing idea that white men are more important. If you look at American history 50+ years ago you can easily see that idea being pushed hard everywhere, from advertisements to laws, even propaganda.

In the end though, it's just nice to have characters that are more like me so that others can relate to me for once.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

If I would have to say where I stand as an european... I am a bystander, just looking at the whole mess and trying to decide who to root for.

One side that you keep referring to, which you frequently over estimate, is a bunch of angry teenagers and young adults who are not happy with how unfair the world is and are trying, albeit poorly in many cases, to improve that and to help others. Or, you know, complain about it on Tumblr or Twitter because they aren't equipped to be good advocates. They're naive and inexperienced but ultimately harmless, and will eventually grow out of it. The rest are people who form small communities or support organizations to try and help people who are discriminated against.

The other side is a bunch of rich white men and political figureheads who control a huge portion of government and power, who actively try to control the bodies of women and restrict their rights to their own bodies. Who push for "religious freedom" at the expense of LGBTQ+ people, whom they'd love to send into conversion camps that teach them self-hate and push them towards suicide in the name of "god". Who gerrymander regions to restrict the voting ability of racial minorities and who started a "War on Drugs" solely for the purpose of criminalizing those same minorities. Who mass deport people based on racial profiling and frequently deport actual citizens as a result, and even hold people in ICE custody until they die, all the while trying to make themselves richer at the same time.

Do not assume that these are equal forces.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

If you have seen any controversy around the release of HZD that was involving Political correctness and diversity, please provide me a link. I certainly was eagerly awaiting the game, thus have read a lot about it around its release. Maybe I missed something still.

Typically "progressives" complain when the representation is bad or harmful, which is usually when it reinforces existing stereotypes or negative opinions of particular groups of marginalized people.

Which Horizon did, albeit personally I thought what they did was pretty minor, but here was controversy around it.

2 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Well, in the current climate in the gaming sphere I expect rather the white only game to be back there... but really, it doesn't matter now who gets the shorter stick in this scenario now, no?

It's somewhat telling that you'd think white people should be at the back, do you really think white people are being marginalized somehow?

7 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Now maybe return the favour to the guys that have different sensibilities, and let them have their own echo chamber were they can consume the media they like without being assaulted by progressive propaganda.

Being fair to others is not progressive propaganda, it's asking for basic human decency. What do you want, let all the angry boys who don't like girls in their safe space sit around and echo each other until they become Incels?

7 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Oh yeah, maybe just come over to europe and not stay within the far left echo chamber...

Oh wait, why is it ok for those guys to have their echo chamber but not the left? How is it fair that we need to step out and listen and be considerate but they get to exclude everyone and have their own little space to be exclusionary?

7 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Because for some people it might not be a feature, but unecessary padding? Or even a force feed assault of RL BS they want to escape from in their games?

And for the others it's a feature. Are you saying you'll prioritize the people who thinks it's unnecessary? Because again if you favor the later then you're indirectly telling me that women and non-white people are not as important, that our desire for a feature is less important than your apathy. If it's unnecessary to you than why does it matter to you if we have extra options?

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

Asking for representation is all good and well. As far as I can tell it is working, and you get it.

DEMANDING it is the problem here.

This sounds like tone policing to me. How dare they speak up! The heathens!

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

I have no sympathy for toxic behaviour towards a game dev that just creates a game you seemingly don't like.

We agree, I don't condone any toxic behavior even if the cause is good. It's not a good way to approach situations.

That said there's a difference between loud protests or standing up for yourself, and toxicity. I hope you can tell the difference between the two and aren't painting with a single brush.

4 hours ago, Gian-Reto said:

I can understand why people would want to be able to create whatever they want as an avatar in a multiplayer game.

Great! I don't see the issue then, why exactly are you arguing here? Because the story might have a character that doesn't fit the history?

1 hour ago, deltaKshatriya said:
20 hours ago, Bob Marl said:

What if you go eat to the same burger house 5 times in a row and you eat the same burger (as analogy to the older BFs). The 6th time, you ask for a burger, but you get a salad (as the new BFs that are being changed). It's basically the same thing as saying "look fatty, you've been eating too much burgers, take a salad, it's good for your health". How the hell can't you see how moralizing is that?

That's a terrible analogy. For one, every Battlefield game has never been identical to its predecessor. Your claim is demonstrably false. Each game has been different and brought tons of changes. Secondly, how is the change of adding multiplayer skins so drastic that you are going from a burger to a salad? How is this such a drastic change? How has your gaming experience changed so drastically as opposed to the many major gameplay changes made over the years? Moreover, where are devs moralizing about it? In your 'analogy' the guy is saying "yo you're too fat, eat a salad, it's good for you", show me where the devs are acting that way? How is the mere act of adding a multiplayer skin customization option moralizing? Do these skins have political slogans on them that I missed? @Hodgman sounds pretty spot on in that it sounds more like y'all are pushing an agenda onto something that has no agenda. 

Moreover, asking for a burger, a predefined item on a menu, is radically different from the game industry. You don't really 'ask' for a game. Devs make a game, they put it on the market, and you choose to buy or not. If enough people like it, then devs make money. It's an entirely different dynamic.

The analogy would have worked better as a burger that came with optional extra toppings, since the original burger is left unchanged unless you want those extra toppings.

Basically they're complaining because other people get to have extra toppings if they want to. It's selfishness. It's people being upset that there are girls in their boys only club.

1 minute ago, JoeJ said:

You dodge my question. If it's everywhere, just name a single game.

BF1 with lots of black soldiers in ww1. No 'normal' gamer thinks this is a good idea. From my point of view, this is only to cater to SJWs.

I said 'everywhere' as a figure of speech. It's not everywhere, but you see it more and more.

5 minutes ago, JoeJ said:

Dice made this Game, not you. Your contribution to the game is zero. You made a decision to buy it. That's all and has nothing to do with developing games. You think you own the the game, or they owe you something because for whatever frightening reason this game is too important for you.

Well, there's 2 schools of thought here. Yours that believe the player is not important : "Your contribution to the game is zero". And mine that believes the player is everything: "Your contribution to the game is the reason why the game exists".


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