Hi, I'm on Rastertek series 42, soft shadows, which uses a blur shader and runs extremely slow.
He obnoxiously states that there are many ways to optimize his blur shader, but gives you no idea how to do it.
The way he does it is :
1. Project the objects in the scene to a render target using the depth shader.
2. Draw black and white shadows on another render target using those depth textures.
3. Blur the black/white shadow texture produced in step 2 by
a) rendering it to a smaller texture
b) vertical / horizontal blurring that texture
c) rendering it back to a bigger texture again.
4. Send the blurred shadow texture into the final shader, which samples its black/white values to determine light intensity.
So this uses a ton of render textures, and I just added more than one light, which multiplies the render textures required.
Is there any easy way I can optimize the super expensive blur shader that wouldnt require a whole new complicated system?
Like combining any of these render textures into one for example?
If you know of any easy way not requiring too many changes, please let me know, as I already had a really hard time
understanding the way this works, so a super complicated change would be beyond my capacity. Thanks.
*For reference, here is my repo, in which I have simplified his tutorial and added an additional light.