Hi, can someone please explain why this is giving an assertion EyePosition!=0 exception?
_lightBufferVS->viewMatrix = DirectX::XMMatrixLookAtLH(XMLoadFloat3(&_lightBufferVS->position), XMLoadFloat3(&_lookAt), XMLoadFloat3(&up));
It looks like DirectX doesnt want the 2nd parameter to be a zero vector in the assertion, but I passed in a zero vector with this exact same code in another program and it ran just fine. (Here is the version of the code that worked - note XMLoadFloat3(&m_lookAt) parameter value is (0,0,0) at runtime - I debugged it - but it throws no exceptions.
m_viewMatrix = DirectX::XMMatrixLookAtLH(XMLoadFloat3(&m_position), XMLoadFloat3(&m_lookAt), XMLoadFloat3(&up));
Here is the repo for the broken code (See LightClass) https://github.com/mister51213/DirectX11Engine/blob/master/DirectX11Engine/LightClass.cpp
and here is the repo with the alternative version of the code that is working with a value of (0,0,0) for the second parameter.