I have a Bachelor project on topic "Implenet 3D Boid's algorithm in OpenGL". All OpenGL issues works fine for me, all rendering etc. But when I started implement the boid's algorithm it was getting worse and worse. I read article (http://natureofcode.com/book/chapter-6-autonomous-agents/) inspirate from another code (here: https://github.com/jyanar/Boids/tree/master/src) but it still doesn't work like in tutorials and videos. For example the main problem: when I apply Cohesion (one of three main laws of boids) it makes some "cycling knot". Second, when some flock touch to another it scary change the coordination or respawn in origin (x: 0, y:0. z:0). Just some streng things.
I followed many tutorials, change a try everything but it isn't so smooth, without lags like in another videos. I really need your help.
My code (optimalizing branch): https://github.com/pr033r/BachelorProject/tree/Optimalizing
Exe file (if you want to look) and models folder (for those who will download the sources):
Thanks for any help...