
Memory Question

Started by January 23, 2000 03:30 PM
3 comments, last by C++ Freak 24 years, 10 months ago
Should you store objects for your game in system memory or video memory? My game code was getting slower and slower, and I have like 150 objects that were stored in video memory. Would the game run faster if I stored them in system memory. Any other ways to help make the game run faster are gladly accepted. Visit
depends on what you are doing with the objects. if you just use the directdraw blit operations video memory is the best and fastest way to go. if you have to read from the manually, ie. alpha blending, system memory is faster.
Well, I think Staffan is an the right track. Accessing video memory with the CPU is slower than accessing system memory with the CPU.

Usually, you only want to put things in video memory that only the video card will access (textures, sprites, etc...).
How do you access video memory to stores data ???
---------------------------------------------You Only Live Once - Don't be afriad to take chances.
I think that the discussion here is on bitmap type objects, but I guess you could create a surface of a particular size and cast the pointer to that surface to be whatever you want to put there. I don''t know why you would want to do this, however.

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