
Most obsessive you've been about a game?, flip side of grumpyOldDude's question.

Started by June 26, 2017 09:45 PM
27 comments, last by BHXSpecter 6 years, 10 months ago

I'm sure this question has been asked before, but in grumpyOldDude's post about growing out of games I kinda felt like talking about the time I've been the most obsessive about a game and am curious to know what you all consider to be the most obsessive you've been about a game.

So, what' the most obsessive you've been over a game?

for me that title easily goes to counter-strike ~1.3 to 1.6.  I bought my first computer to... that's right, play counter-strike.  I bought surround sound speakers and built a little hole in my basement to immerse myself in counter-strike.  I've lost more hours to counter-strike than probably any other game.  And it was hard, I remember when I first started playing I would just die endlessly and maybe get a kill every now and then.  I so badly wanted to be like the guys at #1 in a match.  Then slowly I got better and better and have my own domination stories I'm still fond of to this day.  I lived and breathed cs_italy, that was my map. hahaha

I really enjoyed WC3:TFT ranked play.  It was one of those few games where strategy was more important than simply clicking speed, and so I could really shine.  I hit 16th on the NA/West ladder one year and 23rd the next (summer vacation allowed me time to play).  It wasn't perfect, but it was pretty unique in how many viable strategies there actually were even at the pro level.  I haven't seen an RTS with that level of strategic depth since.


Most of my obsession was focused on the playstation 2 days. Final fantasy 10 and Dark cloud was how I spend most of my time, it got so bad at a point I was able to understand the al bhed language in FF10.

To make things worse a few years later I was introduced to World of warcraft, that was the last game that had my full focus before I started making my own.

Oh man, this is a tough one. I've had a lot of obsessions potentially as a kid. More recently though, that went to a game called Stellaris. You might not have heard of this game, but it's by the same guys who made Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings. It's a grand strategy/4x game set in space, with the basic idea being that you forge your own narrative. That game I got recently, and I sank hours into it. I'm about 60 hours in, still only my first game. I don't usually buy expansion packs for games, mainly cause I'm lazy, but this game was one of the few that I actually bought all the expansions for, just because of how much I liked it. I've obsessed over this game quite a bit, since it really does feeling like writing a sci-fi history novel of sorts. I'm not obsessing so much now, since that first game I played is sort of ending, but I get the feeling I'm gonna try something in a new game, and it's gonna be crazy fun again.

Other than that, there'd be Battlefield Bad Company 2, which I was for some odd reason, really good at, and I played it to the point of mastering each class, a rarity for me in online shooters. In the old days, I liked the original Star Wars Battlefront series a ton, especially couch multiplayers with friends. Good times. 

That's what I can remember off the top of my head. There's probably more though, tbh, since I've just been gaming so much. Not as much these days tho, since I'm just busier now.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Probably it was Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe a few years ago. I managed to grow the little cities almost to make the map into one single giant city. As far as I remember it took weeks, 8-10 hours of playing per day. And it was not the only "mission", I also played on several other maps where I focused on the clever rail junctions more.

DIABLO 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nuff said :D

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Most of my obsession was focused on the playstation 2 days

Same here. My favorite game was (and still is) Ratchet & Clank :)
On my first PC I used to play Spell Force alot.

I still play Guild Wars (the original) every day.

I played Resident Evil 1-3 + Code Veronic to death, making it through them knife only or no saves etc.

I played Quake 3 DeFrag since it was released ~2000 and was very addicted to it (Progressive Trickjumping) - played it for many hours each day.

Its still unmatched in terms of physics which was the core of defrag mod and all trickjump capabilities.



Playing the same map over and over again:

- just to get a few seconds/milliseconds faster

- complete the map at all (some maps are pretty hard)

- reach an near impossible edge after thousands of attempts


Today i still occasionally fire it up and play it until my eyes are red like hell - which i get after half an hour nowaydays (I am getting old).

I will for sure still play this even when i am old and grumpy - as long as my eyes will work.


I remember it very well the feeling i had after finishing cos1 white (very hard strafe pad map) for the very first time.


Of course i made videos as well:

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