
Most obsessive you've been about a game?, flip side of grumpyOldDude's question.

Started by June 26, 2017 09:45 PM
27 comments, last by BHXSpecter 6 years, 10 months ago

Nightbreed on the ZX Spectrum.  If it weren't for the tiresome cassette loading for each of the game's three main sections, it would easily gone down as one of the greatest Spectrum games of all time.  Thank gawd for Speccy emulators!  I honestly believed Clive Barker was a games developer for a long while until I realised it was based on a movie which was based on a book he wrote! o_O

Tie Fighter by LucasArts.  Bloody awesome game where you join a Grand Admiral called Thrawn to hunt down a traitor fleet led by another Grand Admiral who has decided to wage a technology war against the Emperor.  Although you play on the "Dark side", your role is about putting a stop to the traitor fleet's rampage throughout the galaxy.  Seemlessly adding in elements from Timothy Zahn's "Thrawn Trilogy" and LucasFilm's Shadows of the Empire media project, Tie Fighter is just a stunning tour-de-force of Space Combat Simulator combined with great atmosphere and story.  At a very young age, I felt like I was living a double life of an ace space pilot in a suave galactic navy!  Happy days!

SOTN.  Went through an emo-stage in my late teens back in the late 90s, while watching too much Interview with the Vampire and The Lost Boys.  Alucard is one cool-ass-muddy-funster.  Face it,  Alucard even dismisses Death's warnings as if he is washing his socks the next day. Would YOU do THAT with a dude dressed in a black robe holding a nasty looking Sythe? Nah, I didn't think so.  Not even after 20 years of searching both castles high & low, have I given up the search for that elusive bottle of Old Spice that Alucard has stashed away...I know its there!

Oh, and Metroid is a big thing for me too.  Its like going on an adventure with your super cool auntie who plays paint-ball at the weekends with Captain Phasma.  I usually let her handle the Metroids though, because they are rather scary!  O_O

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage

Anri, since you like SOTN, what's your opinion on the other Metroidvania Castlevania games (only six others, 3 for GBA, 3 for DS)? Specifically how do you like Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow? I thought those two games were really the culmination of all the good from SOTN and Circle of Moon, while trimming some of the missteps.

With those maps to 100%, these are good games to obsess about.


Can't say I've ever been obsessive about a game.

World of WarCraft, I still play it, but extremely casually, like max 3 hours a week, which is not enough for a mmo. Each time a new expansion gets released I take a few days off work just to play WoW,

On 18/10/2017 at 6:19 PM, Lens of Truth said:

Anri, since you like SOTN, what's your opinion on the other Metroidvania Castlevania games (only six others, 3 for GBA, 3 for DS)? Specifically how do you like Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow? I thought those two games were really the culmination of all the good from SOTN and Circle of Moon, while trimming some of the missteps.

With those maps to 100%, these are good games to obsess about.

I would say Aria of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin  were the ones I was most fond of after SOTN.   The others were still decent games. 

Harmony stood out at the time because of the more considerate colour palette when used with an original GBA, as it lacked a back-lit screen.  A very pleasant entry I would say, and I still come back to it once in a while.

Aria was a very strong game.  Probably as close to SOTN as we could have hoped for, and I enjoyed the solar eclipse story.  At the back of my mind I was still longing for another SOTN with the power of the PS2, but one could not complain about Aria. Loved the way Soma( was that his name? ) would fashionably teleport to another part of the castle.  If anyone is reading this and loves metroidvanias - stop what you are doing and get it now!

Although you didn't ask, but still Castlevania related, I have just got to the Metroid Queen in Samus Returns, by MercurySteam who made a Castlevania or two.  I never played those, but I have mixed feelings about what they've done to this M2 remake.  I love the visuals and enjoying the new control scheme, but damn, the first 80% is repetitive, boring and easy, then all of a sudden we're in Megaman country which totally ruins the game with a nasty difficulty spike.  If their CV games are anything like Samus Returns then I think I'll stear clear of them...

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage

A bit late to the party, but I've been in love with Halo for thirteen years, give or take. The series that gave me inspiration to go to college to become a game writer (originally CS major). One day I want to work on that series that defined my childhood and what I love about games.

"Don't make a girl a promise....if you know you can't keep it." - Halo 2

"If they came to hear me beg, they would be disappointed." - Halo 2

"Were it so Easy." - Halo 3

"Dear Humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy a** fleet!" - Halo 2

"One Final Effort is all that remains." - Halo 3

"Brute ships! Staggered line! Ship Master, they outnumber us, three to one!"

(response) "Then it is an even fight. All ships fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!" - Halo 3

"Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. Everybody  f****** except for you! So you don't tell me I'd be safer with someone else, because the truth is I would just be more scared." The Last of Us

"If you had had a child, Elisabet, what would you have wished for him or her?" (GAIA)

(response) "I guess....I would have wanted her to be...curious. And willful -- unstoppable even...but with enough compassion to...heal the world...just a little bit." Elisabet Sobeck to GAIA - Horizon Zero Dawn


I would have to say for me it would be Final Fantasy 6 (3 here in the USA). that game was so massive (and even is to today's standards, I believe that someone compared both maps of FF6 to the map of GTA5 and seen that it dwarfed GTA5's) and took me so long to beat ( I used the strategy guide because I did not want to miss out on anything) and even followed the steps to get the secret scene (where even if you did everything right up until that point you still had a 50/50 chance of not seeing it, and if you did not see it and wanted to see it you had to start all over from the beginning and do everything all over again) I think it was at least three solid days straight with 4 hr sleep breaks for me to finish that game. could be longer as I remember playing it on summer vacation.

I don't know how I missed L. Spiro's Golden Eye post from N64. I loved that game and was constantly recreating the facility level (without the textures) in Genesis3D. Back when I had friends that lived close (ie 17+yrs ago during high school) playing Perfect Dark, Golden Eye, Duke Nukem Zero Hour, and all the WCW/nWo and WWF titles was our way of having fun. Not obsessive, but now feeling nostalgic and regretting selling my N64 and all the games a few years back.

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