The biggest barriers to that are the costs of energy and the costs of transportation.
If you can solve the distribution problem the entire world will be in your metaphorical debt and the world will be transformed.
Some regions have enough clean water that they use culinary water for irrigating crops. Other regions have no semblance of clean water.
Some regions have enough food that they don't bother to pick it all, that they throw out perfectly good food at collection, at shipping, and again at the marketplace, throwing out wonderful produce because it doesn't look pretty enough. Other regions of the world people would be excited to find moldy fruit and bug-bitten veggies while searching for calories. I've read that currently there is global production of food that is enough to feed 2x the global population, but about 1/3 of the world is unable to get the food due to their locations.
Some regions of the world have healthcare where anything that has even the slight suspicion of being non-sterile it is thrown out and incinerated; any medication that was opened and cannot have its source traced back to the manufacturing plant for every pill and every vial is thrown out. Other regions of the world if the bandage has been washed out it is good enough for the next patient, and if you happen to get medicines that are labeled as the ones you need the physicians give them with the hope they weren't too diluted in the black market, or were actually the right medication. Location is the key factor.
Some regions of the world complain that there are hundreds of TV channels with nothing to watch, and nothing on their video streaming system looks interesting, sports equipment gathers dust in the garage. Other regions of the world people struggle for entertainment, they make a ball out of tied-together rags and play whatever games they can imagine. Again, location is the key.
Some regions of the world have more empty homes and empty apartments than they know what to do with. Other regions of the world people live in garbage dumps because they cannot get housing. Location and moving people to where there is an abundance of supply.
Solve that problem, solve the problem of getting the goods people need to the people who need them, or instead migrating people in need to the locations of the items.
The cost of getting things around the cost of the energy to make and create things, this is the bulk of the problem. If that can be solved by anything it would be the biggest change for all of humanity.
It wouldn't even need to be bringing people up all the way to the same quality of life. If somehow grocery stores in rich countries could take their discarded foods, their trash, and have them transported to starving people in poor nations; if somehow the culinary water from rich locations used to water crops could be exchanged with the thick and rich brown water used for drinking water in poor places; if the slightly questionable medical gear discarded from rich medical facilities could be transported to desperate poor locations; if someone could solve the global transportation problem the world could be transformed for the better.
If somehow automation could do that, if a series of drones and airships could quickly and efficiently move object that are effectively waste in a rich country to places where they are valuable life-supporting objects while they are still in good quality, that type of automation of transforming trash to treasure would uplift the world.
As I wrote above, it is about HOW the transformation works. If the actions bring us closer to a blissful utopia, it is wonderful even if it is a painful transformation. If the actions bring us closer to dystopian nightmares, let's not go there.