The problem is that traditionally new technologies created new jobs.
The change from horses to internal combustion powered vehicles made farriers obsolete, but created massive industries in terms of manufacture, sales and maintenance of those cars, and people needed to develop new skills to handle all this. Yay progress!
The problem is with AI and automation... we are not the people; we are the horses.
When you can automate an AI/robot to do a job cheaper than a human (remember, it doesn't have to be better or faster, just cheaper), then you have zero incentive to employ a human.
"Ah, but someone will need to maintain the automatons, thus creating new jobs for humans!"
Yeaaaahhhhhh..... no.
1) The maintenance of said automatons will be carried out by, yep, other automatons.
2) As the cost of these automatons comes down (and it inevitably will), any serious issues will just result in the automaton being replaced.
Most people seem to think that automation of jobs will kill off menial work, and people will just have to do jobs that AI can't do. The problem is that the number of jobs AI can't do is shrinking exponentially.
Doctoring? Watson is getting there
Lawyering? Software is already doing discovery.
And for something more relevant to this site.... programming? Oh look, machines are getting better at that too.
Even if you work in a "creative field", you're not safe.
Music? AI can do that
Painting? AI can do that too
Journalism? Yep
And that's just what's available now.
This is not a luddite position. I'm not opposed to this. It's going to happen and we can't stop it.
And nor should we, because it's ultimately the way we free ourselves from having to work and transition to wanting to work.
But that's not going to happen for a generation or two because short-sighted people will whine about taxes and productivity and lazy dole bludgers and waaah wah wah.
So we are in for a bumpy ride over the next century (assuming climate change doesn't get us first).
Disclaimer: A lot of the examples were pulled from CGP Greys excellent Humans Need Not Apply video. It really is mandatory watching for any discussion on this topic.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight