
How much shadow would Russia's hack cast on Trump's presidency?

Started by January 06, 2017 07:39 PM
71 comments, last by warhound 7 years, 8 months ago

In that case you get medicaid, and pay $0 for emergency services as well.

My fiance (at the time) had go to the ER, and because she doesn't have a job/income they dismissed a $3,000+ medical bill.

Samoth is in Germany. That's where all his rants about "socialism" come from. :)

I was asking what would happen in his hypothetical Germany, where only private insurance existed. Obviously a fallback like US medicaid is publicly funded, which is the very thing he is against.

It seems that to be an "intellectual" one must bullshit as much as possible. Not that I give a damn, Trump just is going to reshape the scammish healthcare stuff. But that's petty stuff, just as the transgendered bathroom crap. That's how you get distracted from the big picture, with BS. But people can't even see past their own noses.
f you care about economy, probably not bombing arabs and eastern countries could be something important, and plus you don't end up like an asshole. Probabbly making countries to not go into war/civil war.


It seems that to be an "intellectual" one must bullshit as much as possible. Not that I give a damn, Trump just is going to reshape the scammish healthcare stuff.

Anti-intellectualism, hoping for a Strongman to come along, kick butts and fix all the corruption, and hoping for a (very flawed, admittedly) system that helps the poor to be gutted, all wrapped one in one single sentence.

Party like it's 1933, people!

(yes, I made a Hitler reference, bite me Godwin :P )

Strongmen can't fix corruption, saddly, but they have the path clear once there's turmoil. If one of those even get enogh power, he would try to perpetuate it, that is if he gain enough influence. How much influence you mask ask that is necessary... In the case of Trump, more of what is in his reach/near him. But this is just stuff works, could Trump become a dictator? Probably not, if you want an honest answer. But I would expect some shit being flushed out the CIA for example... good stuff.

It seems that to be an "intellectual" one must bullshit as much as possible. Not that I give a damn, Trump just is going to reshape the scammish healthcare stuff.

Anti-intellectualism, hoping for a Strongman to come along, kick butts and fix all the corruption, and hoping for a (very flawed, admittedly) system that helps the poor to be gutted, all wrapped one in one single sentence.

Party like it's 1933, people!

(yes, I made a Hitler reference, bite me Godwin :P )

Yea you're either preaching to the choir or smashing your head on a stone wall depending on who here you talk to. Some tough shit coming up for poor folks like us man.

In any event, the controversy is only getting bigger. A lot of the mainstream media state that they've had this report since October. Hard to say what's going on anymore. Trump's presidency will be golden though, that's for sure :D

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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