
How much shadow would Russia's hack cast on Trump's presidency?

Started by January 06, 2017 07:39 PM
71 comments, last by warhound 7 years, 8 months ago

I somehow doubt the emails lost Hillary the election. If the disclosure of Trump's pussy-grab video couldn't lose him the election, this didn't do it for her.

What I find more interesting is what if we did obtain cast iron proof that Putin ordered attacks to sway the vote, and that they worked? Would there be any grounds at all for the election result to be challenged or is it just a case of "what's done is done"?

I somehow doubt the emails lost Hillary the election. If the disclosure of Trump's pussy-grab video couldn't lose him the election, this didn't do it for her.

What I find more interesting is what if we did obtain cast iron proof that Putin ordered attacks to sway the vote, and that they worked? Would there be any grounds at all for the election result to be challenged or is it just a case of "what's done is done"?

The impact wasn't the "breaking point", but I'd argue that this, combined with many other things (such as overlooking the three swing states everyone thought she'd win, shy Trump, large undecided voters, Comey, etc.) could be taken together. I'd agree that this wasn't the sole thing that lost her the election, but I don't think many people really know what actually did lose her the election. People have theories, all of which are colored by personal biases, etc., so realistically, it'll probably be years before anyone really knows what actually went down.

Well, if there was a video of Putin ordering the hack attacks/campaign (for example), there'd be a lot of outrage but I don't think that it would lead to a new election. Remember that the accusations center solely on getting emails from Podesta and the DNC and giving them to Wikileaks to discredit Hillary. This wasn't vote rigging, so it'd be a bit tough to make an argument for election fraud. There are arguments that could be made, but I'd be doubtful of how much it'd hold up in a court.

The main point of all this is to point out how much of a Putin puppet Trump is.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


if there was a video of Putin ordering the hack attacks/campaign (for example), there'd be a lot of outrage but I don't think that it would lead to a new election.

Yep, I think it's a case of what's done is done, even if it was conclusively proved Putin did manage to flip the vote (extremely unlikely).

But seriously, can we even consider it hacking when their servers were passworded with.... "passworld"?

And the CIA/FBI report basically said that Putin tried to influence the election by having RT call out the media bein unfair to Trump, but look at what we've done in even the past few years, with Obama flatly telling the UK to not withdraw from the EU. If Putin flatly said to vote Trump our country would have lost it's collective shit over it.

with Obama flatly telling the UK to not withdraw from the EU

...yeah, then threatened that if we left the UK would be back of the line for any US trade deal.
Trump then reverses that statement saying "you'll have priority, UK"


Putin doing things to help Trump get into power doesn't make him a puppet. Trump likes Putin and Putin maybe thinks he can get Trump to do what he wants... but given Trump's unpredictable nature that seems a pretty risky bet. Or maybe just thinks he'd rather Trump was in charge even if he can't control him just because Trump is more amenable to him.

Ah yes, back to the good ol' the media treats our asshole unfairly argument. The bullshit cycle begins again.

Putin doing things to help Trump get into power doesn't make him a puppet. Trump likes Putin and Putin maybe thinks he can get Trump to do what he wants... but given Trump's unpredictable nature that seems a pretty risky bet. Or maybe just thinks he'd rather Trump was in charge even if he can't control him just because Trump is more amenable to him.

You have to admit that much of the line Trump the Asshole spouts is pretty much in line with what Putin wants...he may or may not be a puppet, but he certainly does seem to love Putin. Regardless, Putin wants a weaker America. Trump's beneficial to Putin that way. No need for anything else really.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Lots of people like Putin. Putin likes Trump because he's pro-Russia not because he wants a weaker US. Lots of TRump's ideas are somewhat Putinesque so that suggests Putin likes them.

A strong USA who trades with Russia is good for Russia. A weak USA isn't good for Russia if they want to sell stuff.

Lots of people like Putin. Putin likes Trump because he's pro-Russia not because he wants a weaker US. Lots of TRump's ideas are somewhat Putinesque so that suggests Putin likes them.

A strong USA who trades with Russia is good for Russia. A weak USA isn't good for Russia if they want to sell stuff.

I'm not sure that's what Putin is aiming for. In any case, I concede that we don't know why Trump loves Putin so much, but it's just damned odd the way he's been going off and defending the Russians in this entire thing.

But this controversy is only getting bigger, it seems.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I'm sure it will pass in time... this is clearly just a shower of bad events... golden times will be on the horizon...


I'm sure it will pass in time... this is clearly just a shower of bad events... golden times will be on the horizon...


I can't believe they fell for that troll instead of flushing it. I'm thinking they're just that desperate for a Trump scandal that sticks.

For people who have no idea what's leaking through the pipe,

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