20 million people are about to lose their healthcare and some of them are too stupid to realise it.
Meanwhile, Trump wants to "repeal and replace" the ACA "within hours". Seriously, does the fucking idiot even understand how government works?
More pertinently, this speaks to the anti-intellectual culture that is dragging the US (and by extension the rest of the western world) down.
The strongest drawcard in US politics recently has been the "outsider candidate".
"Elect me! I'm not a politician!"
Now, it's absolutely true that your political class have largely brought this on themselves with lobbying, etc, but it boggles my mind that you would willingly appoint someone to the highest office in the land who brags about his lack of experience.
Imagine walking into Activision and applying for the job of directing the next Call of Duty.
"What experience do you have?"
"I've played heaps of COD.... I know the system"
"Yeah, but have you ever made a game"
"No, that's why I'm the perfect person to fix your shitty games"
"Please get the fuck out of our offices"
It's telling that the word "expert" has become a pejorative, and it's not just a right wing issue either. You have dumb arses on the right ridiculing experts on accepted science like climate change and evolution and dumb arses on the left ridiculing experts on issues like vaccines and GMO.
Again, (as Brexit showed us) this is not even unique to the US.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight