
This is a joke! (US Presidential Election Thread)

Started by October 31, 2016 12:15 AM
209 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 10 months ago

I mentioned them because racist groups were mentioned.

And I mentioned Golden Dawn in Greece and Lepen in France, which are hardly fringe, they have a significant base now. There is no 3rd party in US for people like them, so they just voted for Trump. It's funny how you think the only racists in US are the KKK dragon and his 8 goons.

When was the last time a group of people went around lynching minorities, exactly?

Lynching is the extreme worst-case scenario. Constant verbal abuse and occasional moderate physical abuse by people(including cops) who feel their resentment towards minorities is now validated is the real problem. But why should that bother you, mate?

Funny... people said that about the Brexit vote... day of the result racist attacks/incidents increased and the racists/fuckers feel all the more justified and empowered.

And we don't have guns in this country, so yeah, if I was anyone who wasn't white and male in the USA right now I'd be feeling pretty unsafe right now...

The vast majority of the reported increase in hate crime reports post-brexit came from online reports, where people were reporting abusive messages over online comments.

Now, that's completely gone down as well (post-Brexit banter's over).

And I mentioned Golden Dawn in Greece and Lepen in France, which are hardly fringe, they have a significant base now. There is no 3rd party in US for people like them, so they just voted for Trump. It's funny how you think the only racists in US are the KKK dragon and his 8 goons.

We don't have a golden-dawn-esque party here, neither Trump nor Clinton cater to what they want, so they're just entirely disenfranchised.

Lynching is the extreme worst-case scenario. Constant verbal abuse

Constant verbal abuse... I call bullshit on that. Feel free to record it, because recording someone being racist costs them their job/life.

moderate physical abuse by people(including cops) who feel their resentment towards minorities is now validated is the real problem.

Trump's election won't cause more than we already have. Also, this is exactly why we have the second amendment. If someone actually feels unsafe as a result of these election results, or thinks there will actually be an increase in danger, just get a gun.

But why should that bother you, mate?

It doesn't bother me because it's an unproven. I'm willing to bet at 1/2/3/4 year intervals from right now, white on other hate crimes will be down along the normal trend line.

I'm not going to let an unproven illogical concept discourage me from voting who I think would be better. If that makes you upset, and you believe in illogical scenarios, oh well, and majority will rule whichever way wins. I think in this election we got the better alternative.


We don't have a golden-dawn-esque party here, neither Trump nor Clinton cater to what they want.


Trump catered *exactly* to what these people(who are not "conscious" fascists, just generally resentful towards any kind of minorities) wanted to hear. That's why they voted for him.

Why shouldn't that idiot feel confident to address Trump with "you know Obama is one(a Muslim), he's not even an American"? Trump was a "birther" himself.

Compare with McCain:

It's not even worth arguing about with someone that just wants to bury their head in the sand - Trump has catered so much to all kinds of stupid and hateful opinions and stupid and hateful people that now feel empowered and validated. They voted for him because his election would make them feel empowered and validated. You don't want to accept that, because you don't want to accept any responsibility as to what kinds of people(worldwide, might I add) your vote has enabled - and personally you're safe, so you don't even have to think about it. These people don't harbor any resentment towards you(or me, at least not as long as they're unaware that I'm a socialist, something I can hide when I want to) - you're *fine*.

Funny... people said that about the Brexit vote... day of the result racist attacks/incidents increased and the racists/fuckers feel all the more justified and empowered.

And we don't have guns in this country, so yeah, if I was anyone who wasn't white and male in the USA right now I'd be feeling pretty unsafe right now...

The vast majority of the reported increase in hate crime reports post-brexit came from online reports, where people were reporting abusive messages over online comments.

Now, that's completely gone down as well (post-Brexit banter's over).

But, hey, as long as the spike lasted "only" for a short while and now it has settled in "only" a moderate rise, and not everyday lynchings, meh. Chill out, guys.

Funny... people said that about the Brexit vote... day of the result racist attacks/incidents increased and the racists/fuckers feel all the more justified and empowered.

And we don't have guns in this country, so yeah, if I was anyone who wasn't white and male in the USA right now I'd be feeling pretty unsafe right now...

The vast majority of the reported increase in hate crime reports post-brexit came from online reports, where people were reporting abusive messages over online comments.

Now, that's completely gone down as well (post-Brexit banter's over).

But, hey, as long as the spike lasted "only" for a short while and now it has settled in "only" a moderate rise, and not everyday lynchings, meh. Chill out, guys.

Figure 2.3 and Appendix Table 2.02 shows the types of offences recorded as hate crimes:
? fifty-six per cent of hate crimes were public order offences11;
? thirty-three per cent were violence against the person offences, of which around a quarter (26%) were violence with injury with the remaining three-quarters (74%) being violence without injury offences; and
? seven per cent were criminal damage/arson offences, while the remaining four per cent were other notifiable offences (Figure 2.3).
Public order offenses (distress from getting trolled online), basically, was the only category that increased.
I'm not going to vote based on helping people's feelings... Brexit will most likely be good for the UK, Trump will most likely be good for the USA.

Why shouldn't that idiot feel confident to address Trump with "you know Obama is one(a Muslim), he's not even an American"? Trump was a "birther" himself.
Hillary's team started that rumor in the 2008 elections, and while Trump did latch onto/hold it, it become very valuable ammunition for him later in his campaign. Even if you think it was mean to do, he used that ridiculous ideology to further his campaign, which yeah, he did many things like that.
Again, history will judge whether or not there's increases in violence in the USA, I'm not going to bother continuing debating this, as we're down to citing instances of hurt online feelings as critical election points...
Yes, people will be upset with the results/think things will turn out badly for them. I don't care about that, I want to see the results first.
In closing

Obama muslim story

Hillary's team started that rumor in the 2008 elections

This is a nice example of how distorted people's perception can be.

Person A comes up with a really nasty smut campaign full of lies, and what's most stunning, it's directed against someone in her own party.

Person A does another, similar smut campaign a couple of years later, again against someone in her very own party.

Person B quotes person A, using this to his own advantage.

Conclusion: Person A is not at all a treacherous liar and a backstabber, but person B is the Devil.


Brexit will most likely be good for the UK

Yeah, because the deep divisions in society, the reduction in the GBP, the right wing press declaring judges as 'enemies of the people' and various MPs and politicians wanting to by-pass the rules of law as it suits them and floating ideas about updating treason laws and 'lists of foreign workers' is REALLY FUCKING GREAT.

Yeah, tell you what until you've lived in this country for a while and had to put up with this bullshit FUCK OFF TALKING ABOUT HOW IT IS.
You have no fucking right to say 'oh everything is fine' because it fucking isn't...

Public order offenses (distress from getting trolled online)

Really? People don't talk to each other anymore on the street, grocery stores, gas stations, public transports, schools, workplaces? The only kind of racist "trolling" happens online? That's...a pretty convenient way to think about it. Any source that indicates that "public order offenses" mainly refers to "cyber bulling"?

Hillary's team started that rumor in the 2008 elections, and while Trump did latch onto/hold it, it become very valuable ammunition for him later in his campaign. Even if you think it was mean to do, he used that ridiculous ideology to further his campaign, which yeah, he did many things like that.

Yeah, I know. That's what I said. He pandered and catered to a lot of hateful and stupid people in order to win their vote, and those people feel very empowered right now. That's literally what I said. And the "birther" thing is only a single example out of dozen ones, the most prominent one being the infamous "Wall" that will keep out all those immigrants, and the "temporary" blocking of all muslims "until we figure out what to do". It doesn't matter if he actually will *do* these things. The people that voted for him because they enjoyed hearing him talk like that are feeling very validated right now. They have their very own president, who speaks their language.

You can point to any individual example and go "oh but you know this other person said something similar too"...except it was only Trump that was saying ALL of them at the same time, a literal avalanche of stupidity, sexism and xenophobia, always with the hope to get as many votes as possible. Now that they've got their "own guy" in the white house, you try and stop them from saying "what they're really thinking" to the faces of their fellow minority citizens. Why on earth do you think those people won't feel much more comfortable behaving with less restraint towards minorities after Trump's victory? The guy was completely unhinged all through his campaign, rambling about Walls and Muslim Bans and it won him the White House! I really hope things will not go down like this - but I'm *very* sceptical based on what I've seen in my own country after the far-right became "mainstream".

(And I'm really not going to defend Hillary here - as I said I really hope we don't hear from this family ever again).

You have no fucking right to say 'oh everything is fine' because it fucking isn't...

The sad part about this statement is that we seem to be living in a world where this sentiment is becoming the status quo everywhere. It is not just Britain and the US that are experiencing such realities, there are fissures appearing in so many different countries that if I were talking as though the global population was a person...I would be concerned for its mental health.

Incidentally, his "build a Wall and make Mexico pay for it" nonsense is still on his official site, lol. First point on his glorious 10-point Plan.

Also, environment isn't *even on his list*, because, well, lol, the whole thing is a hoax anyway.

But Muh Guns surely is!

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