
This is a joke! (US Presidential Election Thread)

Started by October 31, 2016 12:15 AM
209 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 10 months ago

Now that Trump became President does that mean I should give up my dreams of moving to America since i'm black and I would be considered trash by Trump.

No, that's just hyperbole. Trump's got an ellis island award and one of the few high end private golf clubs that allow blacks/jews.

Now that Trump became President does that mean I should give up my dreams of moving to America since i'm black and I would be considered trash by Trump.

No, that's just hyperbole. Trump's got an ellis island award and one of the few high end private golf clubs that allow blacks/jews.

racial profiling by police will probably get worse as trump doesn't seam to think it is a problem.

Also, conquestor3. You are not good friends with Trump, you chat like you are speaking from fact. Like the rest of us, you have no idea what is in his heart. He a big fat ?

I dont know what ellis island award is but after looking it up its just a money rake.

obviously your going to give the awards to rich people with a big ego. As long as there are no black marks to their name any tool with a thick wallet can get an award no doubt.


He won it alongside Rosa parks and Mohammad Ali (A muslim)...

A sponsor isn't a recipient, it's to appear as a sponsor.

It's total hyperbole dude. Turn off huffington post and cable media. The president doesn't instruct police on how to do their job.

He won it alongside Rosa parks and Mohammad Ali (A muslim)...

A sponsor isn't a recipient, it's to appear as a sponsor.

It's total hyperbole dude. Turn off huffington post and cable media. The president doesn't instruct police on how to do their job.


  • Your family name engraved on entrance stone to Ellis Island’s Great Hall
  • Personalized video of the event, including private interview with the Medalist
  • Ellis Island Medal of Honor Society Membership
    (includes membership and 14K gold replica lapel pin)
  • Statue of Liberty Pedestal Cufflinks and Pendant
  • VIP Stars & Stripes Reserved Ceremony Seating
  • VIP table for (10) – Gala Dinner
  • Full page color ad in Commemorative Journal
  • Archive photo tribute page in Commemorative Journal
  • Formal Portrait
  • Ceremony DVD"

only the recipient would want this shit (no one is going to remember who the sponsor was so its worthless except for a bit of networking and the chance to meet someone famous). Clearly you are going to award the obvious choices but throwing in some wealthy choices too doesnt hurt. They shud be handing out the awards to people working at soup kitchens & homeless shelters. This crap is always a money rake. They have tonnes of them all over the world - some are more obvious than others. Since his pussy grab speach can be discounted as something he did long ago and therefore not relevant then anything good he did in the past can be discounted too.

Trump has said plenty to make him appear racist, but I suppose that is part of his election tactics because being fair just wouldnt work 1 bit. He has attracted a lot of openly racist voters (probably all of them).

Obama has spoken out about police violence. It adds weight to the issue and would hopefully help fix the situation. Trump has the opposite view.

Look point blank, the best that can happen is that nothing happens. The worst that can happen...the bottom pretty much falls of at this point.

But my 2 cents, he's probably just gonna fuck over everyone who voted for him thinking that there'd be change all the while running rampant corruption.

There is a thing known as separation of powers, which in theory should stop Trump from doing anything too stupid, but considering that he won this election, when no one thought he'd even take the nomination...there's a lot that could happen, but a lot of that really depends.

Mainly foreign policy is where he's going to run amok. This, is the end of American hegemony in the world and Western power. I never, ever, thought the end of America's hegemony would be orange.

Guys, this is definitely not what they meant by orange is the new black. They did not mean electing an orangutan after electing the first black president.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

hey shud be handing out the awards to people working at soup kitchens & homeless shelters. This crap is always a money rake. They have tonnes of them all over the world - some are more obvious than others. Since his pussy grab speach can be discounted as something he did long ago and therefore not relevant then anything good he did in the past can be discounted too.

.... They do. Look up the recipient list and open a handful. They literally gave it to a guy who opened a bunch of soup kitchens depsite not making much money.

Trump's pussy grab statement is words. The voter base looked at and said "Eh, he talks a bit boorish, oh well".

Obama has spoken out about police violence. It adds weight to the issue and would hopefully help fix the situation. Trump has the opposite view.

Obama consistently chooses the wrong cases to speak out against, flaring up conflicts with police. Black lives matter as well, always tends to support actual criminals killed in the act. In America, killing criminals while they're in the act is acceptable for both citizens and police. Like or hate that policy, that's the law of the land and the majority support it.

Mainly foreign policy is where he's going to run amok. This, is the end of American hegemony in the world and Western power. I never, ever, thought the end of America's hegemony would be orange.

If he goes off the deep end, sure. But he's played the country like a damn fiddle through the nomination/general so I think he should be able to hire the right people to help him out.

Seriously, if you find yourself wondering why Trump won, read some of these short-ish but informative posts that describe it to perfection.

Seriously, check out the date on these posts


hey shud be handing out the awards to people working at soup kitchens & homeless shelters. This crap is always a money rake. They have tonnes of them all over the world - some are more obvious than others. Since his pussy grab speach can be discounted as something he did long ago and therefore not relevant then anything good he did in the past can be discounted too.

.... They do. Look up the recipient list and open a handful. They literally gave it to a guy who opened a bunch of soup kitchens depsite not making much money.

Trump's pussy grab statement is words. The voter base looked at and said "Eh, he talks a bit boorish, oh well".

Obama has spoken out about police violence. It adds weight to the issue and would hopefully help fix the situation. Trump has the opposite view.

Obama consistently chooses the wrong cases to speak out against, flaring up conflicts with police. Black lives matter as well, always tends to support actual criminals killed in the act. In America, killing criminals while they're in the act is acceptable for both citizens and police. Like or hate that policy, that's the law of the land and the majority support it.

Mainly foreign policy is where he's going to run amok. This, is the end of American hegemony in the world and Western power. I never, ever, thought the end of America's hegemony would be orange.

If he goes off the deep end, sure. But he's played the country like a damn fiddle through the nomination/general so I think he should be able to hire the right people to help him out.

Seriously, if you find yourself wondering why Trump won, read some of these short-ish but informative posts that describe it to perfection.

Seriously, check out the date on these posts

Listen, you cant just state that your opinion as fact. Those articules are complete conjecture.

The award means jack all and you know it, there is a clear agenda to make large sums of money with that organization. Anyone can nominate candidates through their website. Hitler was nominated for a nobel peace prize in the 30's (though it was meant as a joke).

Now we actually have evidence from Trump own mouth that he might be racist (irrelevant of some bloggers opinion of why he says what he says). If his statements were put before an unbiased jury i think you would agree that he would be judged as racist or at least potentially racist. If his words are to merely attract voters then a shitload of people must be racist - why would you count trump out of this group by default? Even if its part of his campaign he can still be racist independently, they are not mutally exclusive.

Your evidence that he isnt racist is just your gut instinct and you are making factual statements as if your opinion is the truth. It isn't. You might be correct but you've got no evidence.

Taleboy asked a reasonable question and you replied with a baseless opinion piece. I assume you are not a psychologist.
Listen, you cant just state that your opinion as fact. Those articules are complete conjecture.

Did you even read the articles? The race played out EXACTLY as he predicted, with Trump using the EXACT same points he speculated Trump would, all called in 2015/early 2016.

I know you don't want to consider my point of view for any reason, but that articles are essentially irrefutable in their conclusion (It matched with reality perfectly), with an extremely solid premise.

My evidence that he's not racist is that he's been extremely inclusive to the LGBT community/Blacks/Jews. This is another point that's basically irrefutable. Trump owns one of the very few high-end golf resorts in the region that will allow blacks/jews. he DID buy the local town council to do this.

You can debate my opinion or give your reasons for thinking why he's a racist now, but it's irrefutable that at least in the past, he's done these things. My trust in him is based off these past actions, that I hope show his true character, and what I based my response to him off of.

My evidence that he's not racist is that he's been extremely inclusive to the LGBT community/Blacks/Jews. This is another point that's basically irrefutable. Trump owns one of the very few high-end golf resorts in the region that will allow blacks/jews. he DID buy the local town council to do this.

Even if Trump himself isn't racist/sexist/anti-LGBT, he was still elected as a Republican, with a conservative Republican running mate and alongside a Republican House and Senate. Do you really think he'll surround himself with liberal-leaning advisors? Do you really think he'll put a liberal in the Supreme Court? If Congress puts anti-LGBT legislation in front of him, do you not think he'll sign it? A government under total control of the Republicans is typically thought of as a threat to the LGBT and minority communities, even without Trump in charge and without Trump's election rhetoric.

There are a lot of folks who are really, really scared by the results of this election. Not just disappointed, not just sad, scared, because they perceive that Trump/Pence in the White House is a threat to their safety.

Can you convince them that they have nothing to fear?

I hate Pence as a VIP pick immensely as well, but he was needed to shore up support among evangelicals. I'm hoping he picks a cabinet of most a-political businessmen, but we'll see on that.

I think, yes, with how the RNC/Republicans have treated him he'll work to prevent anything too extreme from really coming up to the point where he'd have to sign anything.

As for supreme court justices, he's GOING to at least appoint 1 Scalia-esque conservative to replace him, which is something that's kind of needed to balance out the supreme court. That's going to happen, definately, 100%.

Any additional justices I feel will be moderate/liberal, but we'll have to see when we get to it.

I don't need to convince them, Trump's previous actions have convinced me that he'll be better than Hillary. He needs to immidiately shift focus and taper down expectations, Which he's already starting today

By the time he takes office, you're going to see a much more moderate Trump with much less rhetoric. It would fit his campaign's strategy perfectly.

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